This is sickening.

. . . . .

(Hat tip – IOTW)

Sending this to my Congressman and Senators.  How about you?

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Checkpoint charlie ne er left this planet… Just relocated… This is astonishing, SO stalinist, a total humiliating violation of the right against unreasonable searzch ans seizure of person and property… Not to mention a loss of liberty when detained for no reason…. Wow…. This is just the beginning… They mix this stuff in gradually to avoid rebellion….

  2. “AS AMERICAN AS MOM & APPLE PIE” remember that phrase now the TSA seems to hate mothers. This was harassment pure and simple add to that stupidity beyond belief and they did not obey their own guidelines. Does the Constitution stop at the door of the TSA? Does this woman have any civil rights? Why are 30 minutes of the tape missing and other pieces of evidence what could the TSA be trying to hide? This exercise in stupidity really keeps America safe, because this woman obviously has terrorism on her mind. If the TSA is not embarrassed by this tape then there is something seriously wrong with them (major mental issues). Maybe we should send all of these TSA employees to the front, war would be over in a week, negating the use of the TSA immediately. The American people are not the enemy never have been never will be. The TSA-Muslim terrorists your pick but can they identify each other?

  3. There was a time when I would have said they were just doing their job — but not anymore. This has gone way beyond too far. This is not Nazi Germany. My heart goes out to that poor young mother who was just trying to get home to her child. This is why I do not fly. And it is rapidly becoming uninviting to take ANY form of public transportation. Soon I will be to the point of if I can’t walk or drive there myself, I will not go. What’s next? Checkpoints at each state line?

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