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…what do YOU think?

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By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Over rule Governor Brewers VETO on Obama’s Eligibility clause Please , because this evidence below warrants full investigations into both past Presidential 2008 campaigns !!!!!

    Why Senator John McCain Cannot Be President: Eleven Months and a Hundred Yards Short of Citizenship !!!
    With this extensive of an Investigation into Why McCain cannot be POTUS , why is it that we are letting OBAMA slide with just taking His word and Phony Documentation for eligibility to be POTUS ????

    Read this about McCain ….. Man we need a full Investigation into Both Obama and McCain the USA is suffocating under this Lack of Justice being UPHELD in the US Constitution .

    Is this why the Republican Elites are going after Trump on the POTUS Eligibility Issue , because they all failed to Uphold the LAW of the US Constitution in 2008 Presidency campaigns on Both Republican and Democratic election committees , and why did they even consider doing this ?

    If this is Acceptable law over John McCain’s Ineligibility to be POTUS then a FULL Investigation of Obama Eligibility is warranted .

  2. It does make you think!II have more and more reviewed my own “Conservatism” recently because of this. GWB was not a Conservative in the real sense. He did have some good points, but followed his own path. I think “Trumpism” is maybe more in line with where we should be looking for a future. Maybe a little less ideologic and just a bit more pragmatic. I also think this is where Palin and Bachmann are headed, away from the ‘Good old boy, croneyism” that was the downfall of the old-time “Conservative”

  3. Uncomfortable!

    But extremely important questions at such a pivotal time in our history. Our Founders were very skeptical of government – period.
    Who then should be above our skepticism who aspires to be the head of government?

    Why would anyone consider empowering a person or a small group of people to make such personal decisions as our diet?
    Shall we next give them control over our bathroom habits – Change our diapers perhaps? There’s a change you can believe in – if you’re an infant.

    We know there is no progress in progressivism. What do we want to conserve in our conservatism?

    I would argue that conserving the vision of the Founders – our Constitution – is the true litmus test for conservatives. I would further argue that conserving our wealth and prosperity follow, as there can be no autonomy without our ability to take care of ourselves. If we fail to do this, who will take care of us?

    There are times to gather and times to spread, and only through wisdom, not charisma, can these things be discerned.

    Humility is a most pleasing aroma.

    George Washington, perhaps our Greatest President, didn’t want the job, paradoxically rendering him uniquely qualified for it. He took it out of an extraordinary sense of duty. To my mind, this same quality should be a requirement for all Presidents. The more a candidate fights for the job, the more money they spend, the more tricks they play, the more illegal funds they accept, the more they reveal themselves as the antithesis of George Washington. Ambition in this context offends the olfactory senses.

    Yep, I’m uncomfortable with the questions posed in the video. Good. This isn’t about my comfort. I am infinitely less comfortable with this dark place America has come to along our history. I see no progress and even less conservation.

    Therefore, I see no ‘sacred cow’ candidates whom are or should be above high scrutiny. (Particularly with regards to the color of the cow) After all, we are a skeptical people with respect to our government – or we ought to be.

    It has been said that greatness is not measured by how many serve you, but how many you serve. We have witnessed the effulgence of a cult of personality in our current (p)resident. The left has propped him up as a god. We witness his extravagences in his personal life, a flamboyant demeanor, and an addiction to spending other peoples’ money that is fitting of Imelda Marcos. This is beyond disgusting and it should be an embarrasssment and a shame for anyone who would prostate themselves before any man and his wife. How small have we become?

    We need a servant, not a master. We already have our Master who did not create us to worship man.

    Huck, The Donald, Beck, Mitt, Sarah, Michelle, Ron Paul, etc., etc…. They are people. Period. Why do they want the job? Why would we hire them?

  4. tony,

    Why do we bother focussing on “where” Obama was born? His father was a foreign national – not a US citizen. End of game. Obama is not a Natural Born Citizen according to Article II, Section I of the US Constitution. To say nothing of the investigative findings of Obama’s fraudulent use of a Social Security Number assigned in 1977 to a Connecticut man who was born in the year 1890.

    I believe the Left is stoking the flame of the Birth Certificate mystery, and that Obama continues to hide it as an effective diversion to keep us hyper-focused upon it and AWAY from the obvious disqualifying factor, which is that he cannot be a NBC.

    Just food for thought.


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