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The Zombie Left ratchets it up

What next? But…

WH: Obama won't 'serve as speech police for Democratic Party'...

Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit says:

The tolerant left strikes again…
Liberals create a video game where tea partiers are murdered.
They don’t want to discuss the issue.
They just want you dead.

In the latest “game” for far left activists you get to watch your favorite conservative pundits get slaughtered in front of your eyes – Including: Brit Hume, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich.

And, of course, Glenn Beck. And no violent far left creation would be complete without the inclusion of the Koch brothers somewhere in the game.

What lovely people.
Don’t expect the liberal media to report on this anytime soon.

UPDATE: The company that produced the Tea Party Zombie game is StarvingEyes. The developer who runs the website StarvingEyes Jason Oda.

Starving Eyes has several clients including NASCAR.

Hmm… It sure would be a shame if NASCAR, GM, Pepsi, UPS, etc. found out about the violent trash StarvingEyes is posting on the internet.
Hat Tip Founding Bloggers

From the Media Research Center…

Video Game Allows Players to Slaughter “Tea Party Zombies” Like Sarah Palin and Bill O’Reilly

For more on this game check out our blog post featuring comment from the game’s creator. Controversial online video game “Tea Party Zombies Must Die” allows players to slaughter Tea Partiers and famous conservatives with a variety of weapons. The graphic, offensive, and violent game was created by StarvingEyes Advergaming but does not have any obvious connection to or advertisement for any other group.

John Nolte at Big Hollywood writes:

We all know who fantasizes and encourages violence. If it’s not just a guy in Obama’s neighborhood it’s a guy introducing Obama or unions or disturbing stuff like this.

It’s the Left.

Liars in the world of entertainment will tell you that what happens on screen has no real-world effect. Which is why corporations spend billions every year using visual mediums to get people to change their behavior through advertising.

You know, because it has no effect.

More here

Much more on the game, including screenshots, at NRO.

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