Lugar is Tea Party targeted for retirement.

We’ve got nine dead bodies and an Occupier crapping on a police car… but it’s the Tea Party’s fault, right Lugar?

So tell me…  why wasn’t he challenged by the reporter or someone else brought on the set representing the tea party’s point of view?

It’s long past time for this member of the Ruling class to go. As the folks at Weasel Zippers wrote, “Lugar represents everything that is wrong with the Republican party.”

GOP senator says Tea Party challenges ‘killed off’ efforts at Republican majority

Sen. Dick Lugar (Ind.) facing a primary contest from the right in his reelection bid said past Tea Party-backed challenges had “killed off” Republican efforts to take the Senate in the past and could undermine a GOP majority again in 2012.

“A Republican majority in the Senate is very important, and Republicans who are running for reelection ought to be supported by people who want to see that majority,” Lugar said in an interview which aired Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union.

“I think the majority of Tea Party people understand that too,” he added.

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By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. This guy’s comments made me see red
    A RINO who has voted for every liberal policy out there
    A caller on Rush a few weeks ago made a telling comment
    ” GOP are the invisible horses”
    Liberals we know seek destruction of the Constitution and BoR
    Gop members are meant to be on our side
    But this patriarch is not on our side. Never was
    Kick him out and others like him

  2. I hope that more people outside the tea party movement will read this posting and get off their duffs and do something about getting “Sinators” like this out of DC. This is just one of the reasons that the tea party movement started, to get rid of this self serving siners in our country.
    This is also one of the reasons people are leaving the R’s. We have had two of our members go from I’s to R’s only to return to I’s because of the actions of Cain and these sinners.
    It is not the tea party that is turning people it is R’s doing it to themselves.



    “The Tea Party Express was founded as a project of the political action committee Our Country Deserves Better PAC by Republican party members Howard Kaloogian and Sal Russo of the GOP political consulting firm Russo Marsh and Rogers.

    The Tea Party Express, FreedomWorks, the advocacy group headed by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey of Texas, and Tea Party Patriots form the core of the establishment’s version of the once libertarian movement. FreedomWorks receives most of its funding from Richard Scaife and the Sarah Scaife Foundation.

    Scaife is allegedly a CIA operative and his media operation Forum World Features at one time functioned as a CIA propaganda outlet. ”

    So much for the Nestea party!

    THE REAL Tea Party was started by a Ron Paul supporter!

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