Clint Eastwood’s Halftime Chrysler Commercial


Shilling for an automaker that is propped up by OUR tax dollars to pay off the socialist union goons and their leader in the Oval Office?

What did you think of the Super Bowl Halftime ad?

Here’s what others thought — Some comments from the Twitter Gallery:

Michelle Malkin @michellemalkin

Agh. WTH? Did I just see Clint Eastwood fronting an auto bailout ad? #SuperBowl


David Limbaugh @DavidLimbaugh

Yea, he sure demonstrated it endorsing Obama’s socialist takeover of autos RT @mafo42: @DavidLimbaugh he’s a Libertarian not a conservative.

8:46 PM – 5 Feb 12 via TweetDeck · Details

2h David Limbaugh David Limbaugh @DavidLimbaugh

FWIW, I think Clint Eastwood’s credentials as a conservative have been overrated for some time.


Did Clint Eastwood just endorse Obama?


Chrysler now owned by Fiat.
GM owned by Obama.
Taxpayers out $40 Billon on the bailouts.
It’s not halftime, it’s 4th quarter…


I don’t buy Chryslers, so I’m GLAD I missed the commercial. Once halftime arrived I went into the other room and played four long jazz jam sessions deliberately just to miss the Madonna fiasco, and thus, missed the Eastwood commercial somewhere in that time frame. GM and Chrysler are permanently off my list for future buys. I, like millions of Americans, am still waiting for my GM profit check for helping to bail out their fat ass union. Eastwood’s political and cultural observances have never impressed me. I swear Clark Gable made John Wayne and Eastwood both look like David Niven in comparison at times as far as strength in screen appearance.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. It was not a Bail out… read the terms…. it was a loan REPAID! What is wrong with you all? Are you that ignorant? The middle class make America….You let the banks get away with the bail out’s. Maybe you should be looking in the mirror. But you may see whats wrong with this country!

    1. Please… it was a bail out. With our tax dollars. Done by force against our will. By a socialist regime.

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