Dear Congressman…

Many conservative bloggers have “gone dark” today to protest the infringement of our 1st Amendment right to free speech.  Syndicated columnist, blogger and Fox News contributor Michelle Malkin explains:

My syndicated column today covers the crucial battle between truth-telling bloggers versus convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin and his band of malicious online thugs. In honor of the National Day of Blogger Silence called by Ace of Spades, this blog is going dark. But far from shutting up, I’ll be spending the day calling, e-mailing, and tweeting members of Congress, GOP leaders, journalists, and influencers to ask them what they are doing to defend the First Amendment rights of bloggers. This is a day of action, not inaction. Below my column, I’ll list some contact info for elected officials who need to hear from you. Please join us and act for free speech. Thank you.

More info can be found at her site:

I have opted to post about the efforts of fellow bloggers — some of whom have also chosen to go dark, while others continue to keep their “window” open to further educate their readers and beyond.  Tweeting and Facebooking are also in play. Many of us are contacting members of Congress, urging them to get involved in this battle to protect our Constitutional rights. Whether we “go dark” or keep writing, we’re all working together toward a common goal — protecting free speech from those who seek to stifle it.

Please tell your Senator and Congressman you expect them to do something about it. Use when you do so it will get into the hands of a human instead of a computer software program that no one reads, and spits out an auto-reply thanking you for your concerns, blah blah blah…


By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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