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Trump: “You’re FIRED!


If President Trump wins re-election, he’ll move to immediately fire FBI Director Christopher Wray and also expects to replace CIA Director Gina Haspel and Defense Secretary Mark Esper, two people who’ve discussed these officials’ fates with the president tell Axios.

The big picture: The list of planned replacements is much longer, but these are Trump’s priorities, starting with Wray.

Why it matters: A win, no matter the margin, will embolden Trump to ax anyone he sees as constraining him from enacting desired policies or going after perceived enemies.

Be smart: While Trump has also privately vented about Attorney General Bill Barr, he hasn’t made any formal plans to replace him, an official said.

Behind the scenes: “The view of Haspel in the West Wing is that she still sees her job as manipulating people and outcomes, the way she must have when she was working assets in the field,” one source with direct knowledge of the internal conversations told Axios. “It’s bred a lot of suspicion of her motives.”

As for Wray, whose expected firing was first reported by The Daily Beast, Trump is angry his second FBI chief didn’t launch a formal investigation into Hunter Biden’s foreign business connections — and didn’t purge more officials Trump believes abused power to investigate his 2016 campaign’s ties to Russia.

Trump soured on Esper over the summer when the Defense secretary rebuffed the idea of sending active-duty military into the streets to deal with racial justice protests and distanced himself from the clearing of Lafayette Square for a photo op at St. John’s church. 

Trump 2.0 would bring more loyalty tests

Chris Liddell, Trump’s deputy chief of staff for policy coordination, is heading the White House’s transition effort, including vetting potential new Cabinet officials, two White House officials told Axios.

Don’t forget: The transition between first and second terms is traditionally a time when presidents who win re-election accept resignations and switch out their teams.

White House spokesman Judd Deere told Axios: “We have no personnel announcements at this time nor would it be appropriate to speculate about changes after the election or in a 2nd term.”


The Daily Beast

President Trump reportedly has a list of officials to fire after Election Day if he wins, starting with FBI Director Christopher Wray, who The Daily Beast previously reported Trump believes is part of the so-called deep state.

Two administration officials told Axios that Trump also plans to get rid of CIA director Gina Haspel and Defense Secretary Mark Esper. If not for the political fallout of ousting officials so close to Election Day, one official told the website that Trump would have fired Wray and Haspel already.

However, Trump reportedly has no formal plans to replace Attorney General William Barr despite privately venting about his failure to release the Durham report, which delves into how the Obama administration investigated ties between Trump and Russia.

The period between Election Day and the inauguration is traditionally when re-elected presidents switch their teams. In response to Axios, the White House said in a statement: “We have no personnel announcements at this time nor would it be appropriate to speculate about changes after the election or in a second term.”

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