AstraZeneca COVID reax destroys white blood cells in this woman


I haven’t posted a lot about adverse reactions as I don’t want to scare people. I also like to confirm everything is true before I post anything.

This post I needed to share as the adverse event is terrifying. What exactly are these biological injections doing to our white blood cells?!?!

I am going to research this heavily. Watch this space and please send some love to this patient below.

convid9 #melbournelockdown #melbourne #victori…

…But at least she’s safe from covid now so long as she wears a mask, practices social distancing, uses hand sanitizer, self-isolates, and everyone else also gets the same shot she did.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. This is heartbreaking. This lady does not deserve to suffer in this way, for any reason. She could be a family member to any of us, or one of us.

    Prayers are needed for this lady and for anyone who has taken this fake vaccination and for all who have not taken it.

    There are now so many tragic cases reported, yet, the Dems keep pushing that poison shot. Kill off the elderly, abort millions of unborn human babies, grow artificial food, ban cattle so no beef will be available, smother the rest of us with clean air stopping masks, stop communication between us by closing Schools, Businesses and Churches, limit the food and gas supply, and Show your Government Passport or no flying or travelling, or entering any venue without being surveilled, and stand 6 feet apart. 1930 Europe, now in the USA.

    Our parents and grandparents, brothers, uncles, cousins and friends lost their lives fighting for our Freedom from this Nazi Control in so many wars, yet we are lining up again for another round of Totalitarianism without realizing the impending doom. God Bless us all and help us to keep our country safe. Give us the courage to speak out loudly and continuously until the job is done.

    I have felt beaten down by my Georgia Governor who responds to No One, will not include the needed sentence in his new ‘election rule’ reading “Signature Verification”.
    I have stopped trying to connect the dots for him and am supporting Governors from other States, who need extra support. Margery Taylor Greene, our Heroine in Georgia, has helped to overshadow decisions made by our RINO governor. Hopefully, I will see the day when our Sec. of State is arrested and sent to prison for receiving a huge bribe to throw the entire election. As soon as the Arizona Audit is completed, I hope Georgia will be next. Miracles do happen!

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