Statement by President Donald J. Trump

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

A devastating letter written by Arizona Senate President Karen Fann on voting irregularities, and probably fraud, in Maricopa County during the 2020 Presidential Election. Even the database was illegally deleted after the subpoena to produce the information. 

Senate President Fann has invited Maricopa County officials to a public hearing on May 18 to allow them the opportunity to try to explain what happened to the missing databases, ballots, and other significant issues.

The Fake News and Lamestream Media is doing everything they can not to cover this major story. They just refuse to talk or report about it. They don’t want the United States or World to see what is going on with our corrupt, third world election. 

Read the full letter here.


It is entirely within the Senate’s ability to go back to Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Thomason to file an Emergency Motion to Compel, Motion for Sanctions for Non-Compliance of the Subpoena and/or Motion for Contempt.

It would be 100% within the scope for the Judge to then order the Board in Contempt and order their arrest. 

The Senate has many options legally and avenues to either enforce their subpoena, issue a new one calling for immediate response, or to receive the answers they seek in court.

Listen to Attorneys (Professor Clements is a Professor of Law by the way), not the Senate, and not people asking for patience. They want to avoid conflict.

Calls for arrest are more than justified for a law-breaking county board that is in violation of a legislative subpoena by still being in possession of routers, and that deleted election databases. They are also still in possession of machines that were not allegedly used during the election. Also, if you read Karen Fann’s letter, there is question as to whether they received all of the ballots. 

See Under II Chain of Custody and Ballot Organizing Anomalies: 

“The audit team has encountered a significant number of instances in which there is a disparity between the actual number of ballots contained in a batch and the total denoted on the pink report slip accompanying the batch. In most of these instances, the total on the pink report slip is greater than the number of ballots in the batch.”

Think it’s time for the Senate to get into Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center now?

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Dave Hodges ( is in Arizona. He thinks the audit won’t go anywhere. as those charged with fixing the problem won’t do anything.

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