Lin Wood’s Whistleblower Is Telling Different Stories About His Past

“There is time for all the people who promoted this guy to get distance before it all comes out.”– Brian Cates

Lin Wood’s Whistleblower Is Telling Different Stories About His Past

Lin Wood’s whistleblower is a man who went by the name Ryan Dark White. He now declares his true name to be Jonathan Ambrose McGreevy. What we know for a fact is that he is a two-time convicted drug felon. But when asked to describe his experience/history, he offers up contradictory accounts. In April 2018,…

So this evening, Lin Wood responded with the following observations and statements:


Larry C. Johnson: Rush Limbaugh Doesn’t Like Me Much, But I Wish Him Well • Technical Politics

“…I hold no grudge. I think Rush, despite his errors and mistakes, provides great commentary, unique insights and is very entertaining.

I am told that a Larry Johnson has published an article attacking the “Lin Wood” whistleblower. I found the whistleblower to be credible and I believe his accusations need to be investigated. A thorough investigation of the accusations will determine if they are true or false. 

I would urge Mr. Johnson to investigate Chief Justice Roberts’ adoption of his two children. Was Jeffrey Epstein involved?

When Mr. Johnson prevents us with his findings that will go a long way in determining whether the “Lin Wood” whistleblower is telling the truth. 

By the way, who is Larry Johnson and  for whom does he work? Fair questions, don’t you think?


Looks like Larry Johnson does not believe whistleblower Dennis Montgomery either. 

Maybe Mr. Johnson does not like whistleblowers???

Do the research. 

Connect the dots. 


I have learned over the past year and a half that a Deep State tactic is praise someone only to later lend credibility to their subsequent false attacks on that person. 

Kinda like what Mercer Law School Dean Cathy Cox did to me. 

Brian Cates used to say nice things about me too. 

So did Larry Johnson. 



Whistleblowers Ryan Dark White disclosed to me that his real name was John McGreevey when I first met him. At the time he was interviewed, I made the decision not to publish it out of concern for his safety. 

Larry Johnson started texting me in early February about problems with Mike Lindell’s Absolute Proof documentary and made claims that Dennis Montgomery, Mary Fanning, and Ryan Dark White were liars. 

I spoke to Johnson one time by phone. Johnson did not know Ryan Dark White’s real name. I did. 

Johnson told me Ryan Dark White would try to demand money from me. Ryan Dark White never asked for a dime. 

Johnson told me that Ryan Dark White would try to avoid answering critical questions by claiming the information was top secret. Ryan Dark White never made any such claim to me and answered every question. 

Ryan Dark White fully disclosed to me his criminal record. 

I gave the Ryan Dark White interview transcript to the United States Secret Service, the Wall Street Journal, the State Bar of Arizona, the State Bar of Colorado, Mercer University, Tracy Beanz of UncoverDC, journalist Chad Nesbit of SkyLine News, and I published it in its entirety online. 

I have consistently sought to have the accusations of Ryan Dark White (Dr. McGreevey) investigated by the third parties listed above. 

I also had another individual whom I trust vet Ryan Dark White and that person agreed with me that Ryan Dark White appeared to be credible to him. 

I was the messenger. Now I am being attacked. Ryan Dark White was a messenger. Now he is being attacked. 

No one has attacked his message to date. 

Do the research. 

Connect the dots. 

Draw your own conclusions.

I believe strongly that Stew Peters is a truth-giver. We have had many private conversations. I know Stew shares my faith in Jesus  Christ. I trust Stew. 

Like me, Stew is doing his imperfect best to speak truth to the American public. 

I understand that Stew temporarily removed his interview with John McGreevey after he leaned of the Larry Johnson article. I understand why he chose to do so.

I am not going to remove the whistleblower’s interviews with me until a reliable third party demonstrates that his accusations are false. I stand by my determination that I found Ryan Dark White (Dr. McGreevey) to be credible and that responsible members of law enforcement or journalists should investigate his accusations to determine truth or falsity.

Was I played by Ryan Dark White so that I could be discredited? That is possible but I have not been presented evidence to challenge his accusations as false. Perhaps I will be in the future when law enforcement or journalists investigate his accusations. Time will tell. 

Of course there is always the question of who would be behind efforts to discredit me by using Ryan Dark White if that turns out to be the case. 

We live in extraordinary times.

There was an article written by a journalist at the gateway pundit, addressing claims recently made on my show by Dr. Jonathan McGreevey (@Johnheretohelp).

The interview has been removed from the public view, but in no way was it deleted.

It was removed pending an internal investigation, and the removal of the interview should IN NO WAY be perceived as a lack of confidence in the credibility of Dr. Jonathan McGreevey.

While on the subject of Whistleblower Ryan Dark White (Dr. McGreevey), has anyone asked Mike Pence any tough questions lately? 

What was written on the note his wife received at the funeral of George Bush  41?

What was the nature of the coin he was handed by a man at the podium after he allowed the certification of the electoral college vote and just before or after he elbow bumped Nancy Pelosi?

Have his dealings and emails with Paul Ryan in 2016 been reviewed and investigated?

Has his relationship with Rod Rosenstein in 2017 been objectively investigated?

Has his past in Indiana been thoroughly and objectively reviewed?

I am just asking questions. Pence wants to be President of the United States. He owes the public answers. 

Seem fair to you?


Read the Lin Wood Whistleblower transcript here.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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