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Leaving Americans behind. Not the first time.

If you are surprised about the US government lying about leaving Americans behind talk to a Vietnam veteran… — Jack Posobiec

A lot of whats about to happen now was totally foreseeable by everyone but our failed leaders

If we develop our own mineral resources in the US instead of shutting  down projects then it undercuts China

And cuts them out of the deal 

We don’t need them

Alaska is twice as big as Afghanistan and has all the resources we need for decades. Just planting seeds.

Text from an active duty O6:

“The Commander-in-Chief has failed us and we are paying for it with our lives.”

If you are surprised about the US government lying about leaving Americans behind talk to a Vietnam veteran

“U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport.”

Joe Biden was a Senator during Saigon, Vice President during Benghazi, and President during Kabul

Biden to address the nation at 5pm. 

He doesn’t like to hold evening speaking events

“It’s like Biden is in a fugue state. Paralyzed. Totally MIA over rapid changing news” – per WH official

Kamala Harris has cancelled her appearance with Gavin Newsom and is headed directly to DC. She is in discussion with SecDef Austin while midair.

Apparent coordinated suicide bombings on the crowds and troop chokepoints at Kabul airport today. Won’t be the last. This is just the beginning.

Map of reported bombing site at Kabul Airport

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