#10 Q Drop (Oct 29th, 2017) pointed us to Haiti.

George Webb reported several years ago about the despicable crimes being done by the Clinton Foundation and their partners in crime to earthquake damaged Haitians and their children. So it was no surprise to me when Q began dropping clues early on — the 10th post, in fact.

Look at this Q drop: 👇


4chan Thread/Post: 147146601 / 147173287
Direct Link: 147173287

Remember, the FBI, and MI, have an open investigation into the CF.

Why did Comey drop this?

Who was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis?

How many kids disappeared?

How much money sent to CF under disguise of H relief went to H?

What countries donated big money to CF and why?

How much was owed by accepting?

When she lost how would this be repaid?

What did Obama do with cash just prior to leaving office?

Repayment to those who donated for favors/access?


Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats. Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out?

These people worship Satan _ some openly show it.


Now this, from the archive of George Webb reports

*** Day 96 Part 2

The cruise ships are going to be coming here from Labadee (a private resort leased to Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd  and guarded by a private security force fenced off from the surrounding area, and passengers are not allowed to leave the property) with the “parents” and the kids are going to be going back with them.  There will be “documents” prepared for them, and they’re going to be just like a family. The kids will be young.

So, this is going to be from Port Labadee to Port Canaveral. You’re going to find that Port Canaveral in Florida is going to be managed by the United Arab Emirates. 

The transshipment point is going to be to Port Canaveral first, from there they’re going to take another boat to Norfolk, and then they’re going to come to Charlottesville, Virginia where there will be host families.  

Then the kids will be taken by auto or buses and so forth to the Washington DC area to a CIA Row near Comet Ping Pong Pizza. They’ll be brought in through an underground system named Dupont Underground, into a speakeasy-type entrance underground, where they will then be “shown” at Comet Pizza to buyers.

Yes, I know there were 40 underage girls on Little St. James Island, and he (Epstein) filmed every one in the Clinton Foundation Regime Change Investor Club having sex with them there. Lots of Centcomm generals, politicians, lawyers, celebs were filmed. Yes, I know about Sandusky, Franklin Scandal, Craig Spence, DC Madams, Barry Frank, Ramsey in Boulder, Hollywood Scientology, Norway NATO, Princeton Muslim School, and other ped sex rings. But seeing is believing for most people, and you need a few of these Epstein tapes to surface to really make your case.

I build my case on the Regime Change Investment Club through NYT, WSJ, WaPo, etc. and source documents like the emails. Most of my time is spent trying to produce more emails. Your best bet are the Epstein tapes. They do exist.

Epstein put a teddy bear and crazy art up in the bedroom when they film the target having sex, preferably with a boy for maximum blackmail value with the generals and politicians. They send a photo of the crazy art before a big vote on NDAA.

If you can get your hands on those emails, you may have a case. The Petraeus Centcomm emails are your best place to FOIA. McChrystal, Allen, etc

I read all the comments, and let me explain my daily rollout strategy. I would love to make a documentary, but all the answers are not in yet. I try to engage the audience in joining me in research for more information. For instance, tracking Gaddafi’s $30B in frozen assets and $265B in hidden assets mostly at HSBC is going to unlock a lot of the Clinton Foundation Regime Change Investor Club. This is the group of hedge fund owners, celebrities, generals, and politicians that are going to get the money.

You also may find that the ritual for getting into the Regime Change Investor Club is flying to Little St. James Island with Jeff Epstein to be filmed with an underage girl or going to a DC location for sex with an underage boy. Yes, there are lots of young, eager David Petraeus’ that will scout local Virginia and Maryland High Schools for underage boys for generals to have sex with.

I don’t know if you remember the kid who climbed Trump Tower, but I believe this kid was in the DC ring. I believe the apartment was in Silver Spring, MD, but I haven’t had time to run down those leads yet.

Anyway, they film you having sex, and then show you later they have the blackmail, and then your are in the Regime Change Investor Club. You have to vow to help the Club Members anyway you can (aping Skull and Bones). So that’s how you get all these celebrities attacking Trump, judges, GOP politicians, generals, ex-NSA, etc.

I believe several people have gone to the police, and they were murdered.

Look at this:

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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