From Righteous Russia – Part 4 – The Death of War:


From Righteous Russia – Part 4 – The Death of War:

“Trump will ‘demand’ peace with Putin, Russia and perhaps China, should they join the great game in the intervening months of engineered turmoil … When the two leaders … finally shake hands once more on the world stage, they will be known as Peacemakers. Their enemies will have been exposed and weakened, if not eliminated, and their sovereign mandates, both implied and codified will be ironclad.”

Xi on deck.

Righteous Russia – Part 4

The Death of War

Righteous Russia – Part 4

The Death of War

Burning BrightMar 4

Sovereignty is the root of strength. Strength is the root of peace.

And peace will be the death of war.

If you’ve followed Donald Trump on the national or international stage for any length of time, you’ll know that perhaps his most consistent spoken philosophy is advocating for something akin to a spread of nationalist sovereignty, even at the short-term expense of the United States in the realm of international trade. To Trump, the net, long-term benefits of a world of sovereigns outweighs any short-term loss such a paradigm shift could cause. 

In a nutshell, Trump pushes a governmental, economic and military rhetoric that could be summed up as, “each to himself before one another.”

Such a values-based system of governance, if followed would foster sovereign, national strength. This, in turn tends to create socioeconomic environments that are antithetical at best and outright inhospitable at worst to chaos and instability, two of the foremost weapons at the disposal of the Deep State or Globalists controlled by the Central Bankers/Planners of the World Economic Forum, the EU, and, yes, the New World Order.

If you still think that last one is a wacky, Kennedy and Reagan-tinged conspiracy theory, you haven’t listened to a single speech the former two sovereign men—and President’s—made, and you haven’t understood a single one Trump has made since taking office in 2017 and voluntarily relinquishing office in 2021.

But I digress.

Out of chaos and instability rises conflict, both internal and external for the sovereign man and the sovereign nation. In short, by reverse-engineering this process, and focusing on sovereignty as the root of both individual and national expression, one can create the prime conditions for peace.

But, before one exhibits the outward strength and posture necessary to guide a compromised world toward this end, it is essential to shatter the globalist paradigm that has been built through a mix of governmental corruption, media gaslighting and cultural subversion that has taken root over the last few decades, if not centuries of Prussian-Marxist-Communist-Globalist ideology.

Applying this filter to the latest international catastrophe—or at least the appearance of catastrophe—if Trump were still acting, sitting and recognized President of the United States, he could NOT simply go into Ukraine to deal with Globalist corruption there no more than one could simply walk into Mordor.

Enter Vladimir Putin.

Because of the subversive, contradictory paradigm the Controllers have put in place, Trump could no more enter Ukraine to root out the Deep State there than he could outwardly transfer power from a corrupt Afghan military to a reformed Taliban under the terms of the oft-forgotten but very much still-active Doha Agreement. Surely one can picture the media field day that would result in the Trump admin bombing Ukrainian bio labs six months after leaving behind billions in U.S. weapons to the Taliban after fleeing Kabul on the tail end of a generation of spilled blood, both civilian and military. The optics would be brutal.

Enter Joseph R. Biden.

Trump’s hands might be tied optically, but Biden’s are tied much more literally. By game theory-engineered ‘circumstance’ or something much more overt, Biden’s colossal ‘mistakes’ regarding both Afghanistan and Ukraine—and possibly Taiwan—are a net win for Trump’s image, and therefore Trump’s international agenda.

If you have even a passing understanding of Patel Patriot’s ongoing Devolution Series—especially the banger of a Part 17—you will understand that Trump and his fellow patriots quite literally are in control of COG (Continuity of Government) operations, which puts them in control of the U.S. Combatant Commanders, and thus, all U.S. military action—or, as it were, inaction.

Thus, if you are in any way a discerning human being, you will also understand that, as many other researchers in this movement have said, anything we believe we know of Trump and his COG plans, Vladimir Putin knows AND THEN SOME.

If we refer to Just Human’s oft-quoted Ayn Rand theorem regarding contradictions, it seems less than likely for BOTH of the following scenarios to be true:

1)    Trump and his Combatant Commanders are in direct or indirect control of the U.S. military apparatus and …

2)    The incursion of Vladimir Putin and Russian armed forces into Ukraine and the resulting destabilization (or stabilization, depending on where you’re sitting,) of Eastern Europe—and by extension—the world is a dangerous thing for the United States, its interests or its citizenry.

If we assume the first statement is false, then Devolution is not active, and we’re left with FAR more questions and –more importantly—contradictions over the last year and change than I can delve into here. We also have to pretend that Trump’s exhaustive list of executive orders were not—and never will be—actioned in any meaningful way.

If we assume the second statement is true, and that Putin’s current actions present a clear and present danger to the United States, its interests and its citizenry, what realistic—and peaceful—option does a returning Trump have to deal with the ongoing series of crisis? Surely World War 3 or any direct aggression against the only other true military superpower on this planet (don’t get me started on the military Paper Tiger that is China when the Siberian Tiger is on the board,) would not be good for most Deplorables and their families.

How do we reconcile the Devolution theory with the ongoing Ukraine situation, then, other than to say that they are either NOT in conflict with one another, or that they are directly complementary.

In my view, the most reasonable and non-contradictory interpretation of the above statements is that Trump is ‘in control,’ as it were, and that Putin is either directly working with him—but never for him—or Putin’s likeliest path has been mapped out by U.S. patriots and is either directly beneficial to their long-term agenda or is in no direct conflict with it. That, and said path is highly destructive to Trump and Putin’s and therefore the United States’ and Russia’s shared enemies. 

When one considers the prospect that the current global situation could threaten the very hegemony of the U.S. dollar, the idea that this could and likely IS in the direct, long-term interest of the citizens of the United States in the judgment of Trump and his Devolution Team is serious food for thought, and a tantalizing hint as to the long-term foundations being built for a new vision of global cooperative sovereignty.

In summation, what does the central seeming contradiction of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and more broadly, the Russia vs. the West narrative being blared across every blue-tinged screen in the west and every blue-checked thread on the internet actually mean in practical terms?

The reason Biden, and by extension the Deep State so recently ‘lost control’ of Afghanistan and Ukraine on the world stage is because he—and they—lost control of both some time ago, and are only now realizing it.

This begs the question we’ll take a stab at answering now, of who benefits, both literally and figuratively from the optics of the current situation as well as the long-term implications of whatever global fallout Putin’s grand move engineers?

To do this, we need to think bigger than sanctions and SWIFT. Bigger than states and oblasts. Bigger even than nations.

Now, let’s think on empires, and on how they’re kept.

Peace through strength. It’s a famous maxim of both the Kennedy and Reagan administrations, which many in the Truth community—myself included—see as the precursors in a spiritual, philosophical and perhaps even literal sense to the eventual—and still ongoing—Trump Administration.

By my reckoning, there are currently four empires on the world stage right now, with China the uncharacteristically silent—though not for long—party among them. Until I can personally parse the difference between China as a nation and the CCP, I’ll refrain from following that thread.

As for the other three empires on the board, we’re left with Putin’s Russia, Trump’s (Devolved) United States and the European Union caught firmly in between them. If you want to substitute the Central Banking Empire for the European Union, feel free, as they’re one and the same. Centralization is the antithesis of sovereignty, after all, which makes centralization the key adversary of would-be sovereign empires, including the U.S. and Russia, as well as a few others we’ll discuss in detail in my next long-form series.

While the Central Bank of the United States is certainly a part of the same enemy matrix, the FED cannot field an army, and, therefore is at the mercy of whoever occupies the Oval Office at any given time. Just ask Andrew Jackson.

In literal terms, we might define the power of an empire through geographic range, military might and economic influence. All three empires discussed above boast all three in considerable supply, though whether or not the European Union can actually mobilize a collective, NATO-backed fighting force with any semblance of cohesion or effect remains to be seen, perhaps for all time. With this in mind, and considering that the United States and Russia are the two most resource-rich empires on the planet, they’re also the wrong empires to try to win an economic war against. Just ask the controllers of the CCP and their allies in California about that in relation to Trump’s Trade War, and fast-forward to the summer of 2022, when you can head on over to Berlin to ask German citizens how the EU’s Sanction War against Russia is going while they’re at the pump.

(Hell, it’s already starting Stateside.)

In short, when the EU—and by extension, the Globalists—eye the two other empires sitting across the table from them, though not necessarily each other, they have two questions to ask of themselves:

1)    Can the United States or Russia be defeated in the field by anyone other than one another?

2)    Can the United States or Russia be defeated in a trade war by anyone, up to and including one another?


And no.

Now, circling back to the key twin premises of this series—that being Russia’s long-term intentions and its relationship, both now and in the future, with Trump’s United States—if it is difficult to parse the actions of each empire through the fog of actualized and economized war, perhaps a refresher on the similarities between its Emperors helps better crystalize the world that’s being built before our very eyes.

As discussed in Part 0, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump share a remarkable amount, from their national and foreign policies to their national and foreign controversies.

By those who follow them, the two are seen, quite simply, as problem solvers.

While the Globalist controllers see a solution and engineer a problem to bring it about, Trump and Putin rose on the backs of their promises to solve existing problems. If you want an obvious example, look no further than the fact that both nearly wiped out the bulk of Islamic insurgencies threatening their interests within two years of taking office. In practice, the two have displayed deft, steady hands when it comes to navigating international crisis, especially those threatening or dipping into war, and they have done it all while facing down a hostile, subversive and ubiquitous enemy with near limitless financial resources.

Both have served as willing and frequent targets of the Globalist-aligned corporate media, from the Ukrainian color revolution Putin dealt with against the Obama regime in 2014 to the J6 narrative Trump was saddled with (or invited as part of a larger play,) before the Pretender’s inauguration, and both have done an admirable and even memetic job of acting as narrative puppeteers for the better part of the last decade.

When I referred to them as the ‘great deceivers’ of our time in Part 0, I did not mean it as a bad thing. Deception, after all, is a core tenet of war. We know Donald Trump is a student of Sun Tzu. We know Putin is a student of Russian Sambo, a martial art known for its physical incarnation of the twin philosophies of redirection and balance.

Ultimately and most importantly, however, we know that both men are hated by all the right people, which is another way of saying they are feared by the very same.

Traditionally, one empire fears another because of its overt power. Its strength. The enemy—the Deep State—fears Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin for this reason, but what they truly fear is the potential for the two emperors, and by extension the two empires to forge a very public, globally cathartic peace that could all but paralyze war on a global scale for as long as their legacies—and whatever systems they leave in place and future leaders they inspire—remain.

In the place of posturing titans, shifting alliances and subversive controllers, and for all of the reasons we’ve covered in the series so far, the United States and Russia have the potential to not just display peace, but to mandate it.

As for Trump and Putin, the two have, in my view, guided the enemy through a long, largely silent war for peace. From Crimea and Ukraine to the DMZ in North Korea to the Abraham Accords and the Doha Agreement to the blitz on the Nazi stronghold of Ukraine, they have exposed the rot and waste of the Globalists, and more importantly, their utter futility. Trump has exposed corruption and hypocrisy of the elite would-be ruling class, while Putin has revealed their dependence on the very nations they seek to subjugate.

Most importantly, the two have stood up to the grand Globalist Collective, and the Collective, as it turns out, was caught flinching, which will earn them a bit more than a punch on the arm.

One emperor in power. The other behind it. And both far from done.

To borrow a phrase from a certain wizard, “The board is set. The pieces are moving. We come to it at last.”

And what choice does the snake, hunted by the eagle and the tiger have when all other routes are closed to it? When the awakening is global, and power rests in the hands of those who wield the hearts and minds of their own sovereign states?

When does the pincer close?

When Donald Trump reclaims his throne in the west, and surveys the new world he has helped to craft in his seeming absence.

Trump may take on the posture of a conqueror when he does reclaim his throne, but when he surveys the global situation, and when the world surveys it through him, I do not think he will strike out in war. I believe he will demand peace, and since the Russia conflict—and very possibly other conflicts to come in the Eastern Theater—is global in nature and not localized to the United States and its interests, that peace will be global in nature.

What greater peace could be reached than one between all sovereign nations by revealing and then subverting the Controllers? If Russia’s actions in recent days have pushed the narrative ever closer to World War, could a clear, strong and resounding reconciliation between the two emperors on the world stage bring about its opposite?

As said in Christopher Nolan’s Sci-Fi masterpiece, Inception, “the greater the trauma, the greater the catharsis.”

If a ‘scare event’ really is necessary to wake the vast bulk of the normie population up to the true threat Globalist-engineered chaos and mutual, weak, sniveling dependency has wrought on the world stage, what better way to do so than with the threat, but not the realization of the last war?

In practical terms, the pieces are already in place for Trump to make his return, just as they are in place for Putin to take whatever victories he will against the trespassers and pretenders in his domain, as the EU has done more than flinch at his overt, dominant provocations. They have veritably cowered.

In the west, much as he did in the fallout of the actualized—but not publicized at the time—Doha Agreement and the Fall of Kabul, Resident Joe Biden and the entire corrupt political class that is representative of large swaths of the American Congress have and will continue to take punishing defeat after defeat in the public narrative, and since the subversive enemy’s primary means of waging war is through mass psychology, turning this around on them will have devastating and utterly irreversible effects.

While Trump and his Devolution team wait on the edges of the board, coming closer with every precise, devastating move the Russian Tsar makes to reveal the utter incompetence of the ‘unified’ West, strategic Deep State—one could even say, Nazi—strongholds are falling at an accelerating pace, and I don’t think we’ve seen the half of it yet. This follows a seemingly-endless series of rapid-fire asset forfeitures by the Globalists, from the Forever War in the Middle East (yes, I do consider war to be an asset class of the Central Bankers and their ilk,) to the dark money pit that is Ukraine to a growing mountain of sealed indictments under the care of certain Special Counsels that are bursting at the seams, each one representing a Tomahawk missile, targeted and directed at a cabal asset.

I believe Trump will allow all of this to play out until both military AND psychological missions have been accomplished, and, unfortunately for our fellow, unawakened and utterly unaware man, the psychological mission will not likely be accomplished until 95% of humanity is crying out for new leadership—or old leadership—to respond to the cascade of crisis.

When the narrative ground is fertile enough, and the Deep State exposed enough, I believe Devolution will go overt, either through a formal decertification of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, charges of treason against sitting members—and possibly very high up members of the U.S. government—a declaration of temporary military government, or all at once.

In the wake of all this, Trump will either be reinstated or reelected by We, the People, and as his first act as our returned Commander-in-Chief, he will ‘demand’ peace with Vladimir Putin, Russia and perhaps China, should they join the great game in the intervening months of engineered turmoil.

Trump is not a man who will sue for peace. He does not plead. He does not beg. Trump will not request peace. He will have it, and Vladimir Putin will share in it.

When the two leaders—the two Emperors—finally shake hands once more on the world stage, they will be known as Peacemakers. Their enemies will have been exposed and weakened, if not eliminated, and their sovereign mandates, both implied and codified will be ironclad.

Through them, the beginnings of a sovereign mesh of peace will begin to take shape, with Putin having the opportunity to unify former Soviet States from the Baltics to the Balkans as Trump takes the lead in the west—sovereigns lifting up smaller sovereigns against current and future attempts at centralization and subversion.

Why take this road, then? Why make peace the means of waging war on the invisible enemy?

Because, in order for Trump and Putin—and perhaps others who have yet to make their loyalties known—to command the sort of international goodwill they will need to stabilize a world dealing with the fallout of the biggest unveiling of political and economic corruption in history, they must not be viewed as conquerors, but rather as unifiers. They cannot be destroyers, but builders.

For Trump, his entire life has been about building. And the campaign that saw him unify large blocks of disaffected and abandoned voters was built on promises of building.

Similarly, this recalls Putin’s fascination with Peter the Great, the last true Emperor of Russia and a man with grand ambitions for his people.

And in order to build, one must first tear down.

The Deep State and all its apparatus is the collective rot in a foundation that must be thrown from its perch and ripped from its anchors, and the theaters of real and fake, bright and shadowed wars anons have been parsing for the better part of five years—and some, for the better part of their lives—have reached a stage of unsustainable public acceleration due in no small part to the plans set in motion by the patriots of the United States and Russia.

If I may borrow a phrase many of you might be familiar with, and that comes clearer with each passing media firestorm and cabalistic defeat on the world stage, we are witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard.

And out of the ashes, the world will be ripe for renewal. In order to ensure that the new world is built to last, however, it must be built on a foundation of ruthless peace. 

In order to make peace, two leaders must first seem on the verge of war. In order to be seen as unifiers, the prospect of doing so must seem insurmountable.

Does the current world situation regarding Vladimir Putin and Russia seem like—on the surface—it’s heading toward a cordial, peaceful and ultimately satisfactory resolution for concerned citizens of supposedly sovereign nations around the world?

Is the China-Taiwan situation about to “got hot,” at least in the public narrative?

You may notice that I have a penchant for stories. And if you’ve been watching the largely manufactured chaos pouring out of the mainstream media and Twitterati meant to evoke emotional reactions based on storytelling, you’ll know that the ground is ripe for it. The world is in a collective emotional state, looking for characters and sides, throughlines and themes to latch onto.

Heroes and Villains.

Trump and Putin will turn this around on them not just because they are better commanders, better strategists and better thinkers than their collective enemy, but because they are better storytellers.

In hindsight, I believe that Trump’s Posture toward Russia and Putin during the course of his tenure as American leader is largely reminiscent of Patel Patriot’s view on Trump’s posture toward the Vaccine narrative.

In that example, vaccines = good in the MSM narrative, ie: to the unawakened. Similarly, to this same group of people, Putin/Russia = bad.

Trump’s posture and demeanor toward Russia often consists of moving in parallel with the normie paradigm while undercutting it at various points. Just as he always precedes his praise of Operation Warp Speed (which we now know likely means something entirely different than full-scale endorsement of Big Pharma-rushed cures,) he always preceded any criticisms/bad cop rhetoric about Russia by pointing out the kindergarten-level truth that it’s better to be friends with potentially adversarial nations than enemies.

In my observation of Trump, statements and stances that he repeats seem to travel three parallel tracks in order to communicate with three distinct audiences.

First of all, his repeated stances tend to be worded with intentional, blunt and borderline dumb simplicity. When Trump communicates his stance that having a good relationship with Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un is “a good thing,” he’s drilling this point home to his steadfast, largely unquestioning ready-made base. The sort of voters who voted for him because they liked him and hated his enemies. Simultaneously, he’s speaking with blunt, sarcastic realism to the high-information, political-party neutral observers in his audience. The sort of people who dissect his words, intentions and every persuasion of strategy he’s trying to get across in pieces like this.

And last but certainly not least, he’s communicating to the dreaded middle. The sort of people who get their news unironically from TV talking heads. These are the types of people who are either predisposed or programmed to despise Trump, and when he repeats overly simplistic, seemingly naïve talking points like, “Operation Warp Speed,” the “Invisible Enemy,” Build That Wall,” and “It’s good that Putin and I get along,” their very earnest naivety in the eyes of the middle kingdom of Liberaldom serves to root them to their psyches. This is how Trump plants seeds that will eventually germinate into questions, and at the end of the day, all Trump wants of this middle kingdom is a vast Empire of Liberals, Independents and Trump-averse Conservatives that questions the narratives they’re fed.

The very same people that laughed or outright scorned the “Build That Wall,” narrative are the same people watching footage of hundreds of thousands of unvetted, potentially infectious illegals streaming over our borders as soon as their savior Joe Biden took office. The same people who see Putin pouring troops into Ukraine in a supposed precursor to WW3 think back to Trump’s cordial, potentially even inappropriate rapport with Putin and contrast it with the cold, dispassionate and overall out of control relationship the Biden administration has with the marked Russian madman. These people think to themselves, in the dark, brightening recesses of their slowly-awakening minds, “perhaps it truly is better to be friends with one’s potential adversaries than enemies.” After all, the concept that the vast middle of society tends to suffer the most in global war scenarios isn’t lost on many.

This somewhat mirrors the memetic—and entirely true—phenomenon that those most averse to taking untested and largely unnecessary vaccines are distributed at the lowest and highest ends of the IQ spectrum, while those in the lower to upper middle gladly absorb whatever team player talking points the narrative-endorsed projection of a majority dictates, whether or not it’s reflective of objective reality.

In short, Trump sometimes sounds “dumb” quite on purpose. The way he speaks is memetic almost by definition.

And what does Trump want us to know about his personal stance on Vladimir Putin and by extension the rising Russian Republic? That he understands him. That, whether he endorses or opposes Putin/Russia’s latest international crisis in waiting, he understands the enigma, and the enigma understands him.

To be seen publicly opposing Putin and Russia is not a bad thing. Far from it. In fact, this is the sort of thing that germinates in the future, when, similar to the collapsing vaccine narrative, the media will never be able to fully pin Russian loyalty onto Trump when he so publicly thwarted the very energy pipeline the incoming Biden administration signed off on through NATO immediately upon taking office.

Should China enter this subversive, reverse-engineered War for Peace on the side of the U.S. and Russia, Trump’s Trade War with the CCP will take on added complexity and strategic importance when it comes to setting narratives.

In this way, at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter whether or not Trump and his Devolution Team of Combatant Commanders and Government-in-Exile are working directly with Putin, or if he and the Russian leader are merely circling each other on a grand chess board while eyeing the shrinking, increasingly desperate Deep State obstacles in the center. It all comes to the same. Trump and Putin will not go to war with each other, nor each other’s most critical interests out of literal alliance, grudging and mutual fear or the simple fact that it is mutually beneficial to balance the scales of East and West by wiping Globalism off of the board entirely than it is to weaken the only other major sovereign empire in sight with so much at stake for both nations. 

In the end, Donald Trump’s comeback to the world stage will be as the man who stood up to the Tiger in the East and made peace with him. In the end, Vladimir Putin might never get the credit he deserves for his part in the grand opera, but those of us who find the true stories beneath the false will know that he was a hero all the same. Not the one we asked for, to quote a famous scene, but the one we needed at the time.

At the beginning of this series, I claimed that the key power to cultivate in this information war is not the recognition of the truth, but rather the exposure of lies. Chase away enough of the dark, and all you’re left with is light. To be honest with you, I don’t know if Vladimir Putin or the current iteration of Russia is good, just, evil masquerading as sovereign Christianity, or some mix of the above. What I do know is that our enemy—our subversive, pervading, enduring controllers—wants us to think of Russia as not just evil, but the ultimate incarnation of it.

I can’t see every piece on the board, and I certainly can’t see the future. But I can see the board. I see a villain that has been manufactured as much out of media hysteria as the COVID-19 pandemic, albeit on a much longer time scale. I see a formidable nation on the rise, backed by near limitless natural, God-given resources, and I see a nation that, while it might come up second fiddle to ours truly in terms of fire, is second to none on this green earth in terms of resolve. If the American Patriot is the flame itself, the Russian Patriot could be a steady, smoldering bed of coals that keeps said fire from burning out.

Two mirrored empires serving as guiding lights to the rest.

And, if mine and others’ impressions of China—the real China, and not its CCP controllers—are correct, what better two sovereign empires exist to usher in the rebirth of the third?

What really defines an empire, then, apart from territory and might, is the power it derives from the collective will of its people. 


You see, sovereignty does not come down from those in seats of political power. Sovereignty rises up from the people. Any empire that does not respect and ultimately mirror the sovereignty—and therefore the will—of its sovereign man will have its reign measured in decades rather than centuries. An empire that is built with sovereignty as its grand design. An empire built on the back of sovereignty will see its history and the prosperity of its citizens measured in millennia.

And if we follow this path, and ruminate on the eventual fate of the Roman Empire, whose fall, I would argue, came on the back of decades of slow, steady and subversive assaults on the sovereignty of its peoples and then its states, how do we prevent the next great sovereign empire from following on the same glorious, albeit ultimately tragic path of corruption?

We raise up two empires instead of one. Mirrors of prosperity and freedom built on sovereignty, so that any failure by the one to live up to the will of its people will be reflected in stark and certain terms by the other, revealed in all its ugliness.

Perhaps we are destined to see two mirrored empires rising on the backs of nationalistic zeal and God-granted and human-actualized sovereignty.

And perhaps, out of two, we will see the birth of many.

In the end, what truly makes the peaceful American and Russian Empires to come so much stronger than that of the false Globalist Collective?

We do, and we are not alone.

Peace will be the death of war.

Continue on to Righteous Russia – Part 5

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By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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