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Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just…

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Several people emailed this video today.  I finally took some time to let it roll… glad I did.  Radio show host Herman Cain, who I had the pleasure of meeting during a couple of our rallies while on the Tea Party Express tour, was speaking at a Tea Party rally in Douglas County, Georgia.  As he was taking a final comment from a patriot there, the unexpected happened.

This note from Dan Friedman of NYC accompanied it:

Via Breitbart TV:

In this stirring video, a former Marine reminds us that our national anthem has two verses, but they rarely if ever let us hear the second. Watch, as the small Tea Party gathering -first stunned – spontaneously rises in patriotic unity.

May America continue to merit G-d’s blessings. In the Age of Barack Hussein Obama, it’s by no means a sure thing.

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