Florida’s Senator – “Failure all over our shores”

Ed Morrissey has the transcript of his interview with Florida Sen. Ed LeMieux immediately following his comment on the Senate floor.  Here’s a video clip of LeMieux letting it fly at Obama.


George LeMieux (R-FL) scolded President Barack Obama from the Senate floor yesterday, telling Obama that it wasn’t just oil washing up on the shores of the Gulf; it’s failure. On Day 71 of the crisis, LeMieux noted that then-Senator Obama had a lot to say about George Bush and his response to Hurricane Katrina, including a focus on “half-hearted measures.” LeMieux also noted that Obama seems more interested in traveling around the nation and giving speeches crabbing about Republicans than in doing the job for which he campaigned two years ago. “This is his job,” LeMieux insisted about the Gulf crisis, “not Ken Salazar’s”.

Morrissey continues:

Immediately after this speech, LeMieux joined me for an exclusive interview on The Ed Morrissey Show to talk about the status of the Gulf cleanup. He noted some incremental improvements in the number of skimmers operating in the area, but was aghast at the bureaucratic red tape that has kept the A-Whale on the sidelines for so long. LeMieux blasted the administration’s inability to bypass the EPA or even to attempt cutting through its red tape to mitigate the environmental catastrophe. As for leadership, it sounds as though chaos is still the norm, and states still feel on their own.

Listen to the show or read the full transcript here.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

1 comment

  1. Sen. LeMieux is so right on! It is no one else’s responsibility to act upon this crisis but President Obama’s. What a horrible blunder he has made of this situation. I believe the governor’s of those gulf states need to take any and all action possible to keep the oil away from their shores but it looks like it might already be too late.
    Obama is so inept in making decisions or he is doing this deliberately to our country to destroy it in every way possible.

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