Dear readers…

. . . . .

To my readers:

Having been on two Tea Party Express national tours in which we crisscrossed the country, doing rallies in hundreds of cities, meeting hundreds of thousands of Americans, I NEVER saw “the right” act out violently. I also attended Beck’s 8/28 Restoring Honor event and two tea party rallies on Capitol Hill — again, no evidence whatsoever of the “right” exhibiting signs of violence. Those who blame both sides– right and left — are intellectually dishonest.

Before you paint both sides with the same brush, stop and think. You could be doing the same as the Left… Sheriff Dupnik is a classic example. Folks who are calling out for “civility” from both sides don’t know what they’re talking about.

Peaceful assembly IS what “the right” — Americans who love the Constitution and the founding principles that made this country great and believe in Divine providence — do.

The left is showing its butt end on this deal. But then, what’s new?

UPDATE:  Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit and I seem to be in agreement:

After two years of policy failures Democrats have now switched gears and are trying to silence the opposition. They understand their policies don’t work and have decided that smearing their conservative opposition may be their best way back into power.

This explains why the democrat-media complex including Media MattersDaily Kos,Keith OlbermannCNNThe New York Times, democratic politicians, etc. are working overtime to pin the mass murder by an anti-war, anti-Christian, anti-Constitution, left-wing, pro-Marx, antiflag, “quite liberal” lunatic on right-wing politicos. The left can’t win in the arena of ideas. Their policies have been a complete disaster. So, rather than acknowledging their errors and correcting course, they are trying to silence good God-fearing conservatives. And, they wonder why they’re called socialists?


By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Sheriff Dupnik was completely out of line when he made that statement. It’s not in his job description. His job is to seek out the FACTS and ONLY the FACTS. Any conjecture on his part should be strictly personal and kept out of any reports he makes through the media. His comments were totally inappropriate.

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