Biden a “one trick pony” – President Trump

Just posted on Telegram by Donald J. Trump:

America fell 340,000 jobs short of the very modest expectations set by economists. That’s because Joe Biden is a one trick pony, “Get the vaccine.” But no one trusts this administration. I developed the vaccine when everyone said it wasn’t possible, now without “Trump,” that’s their only solution. This administration is destroying America before our very eyes because there is no leadership. Besides my vaccine, this is the administration of no jobs and massive layoffs, high gas and energy prices, high crime, empty shelves, open borders, and a horrendous surrender and evacuation from Afghanistan. A lot of effort and money went into RIGGING the 2020 Presidential Election, only to destroy the Country. Was it worth it?

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. How does one reconcile the pro trump stance. With the anti covid vax stance in light of this post?
    Many want to know. Even on telegram discussion of such a topic is shut down.

      1. I’m not afraid of complicated. If you’re have the time, even just a link to get me started? I’m struggling with it.

  2. I understand the need to accept credit for creating the shot, but Trump was lied to and duped. He trusted people that were suppose to be working in our best interests, they were not. I know he has to play the game to let the people see for themselves. I just wish he would come out and tell the world with all the injuries and deaths and bad intentions of some, he can no longer support the evil deeds. Him coming forward would shut this whole farce down in a nano. It would save lives.

    1. Timing is everything. I trust Trump and the Patriot White Hats know what they’re doing. We are seeing everything through a one-way lens. We have no idea what’s happening backstage.

      My thoughts are that Trump understood/understands that because we are at war with enemies both foreign and domestic, there will be casualties. That’s just the way it is. Hard swallow, but that’s reality… the heartbreaking sacrifice of many to save the country.

      Men fight and die. Innocents suffer and die. Lives are shattered. Nothing is ever the same. That’s what war does.

      The notion that Trump was naive while in the White House IS naive. I believe Trump has known all along, and knew LONG BEFORE WE DID that the Chinese were cooking up a bioweapon with Fauci’s involvement to fund (with our tax dollars) and encourage the Wuhan research.

      If you go back and read Q’s posts you’ll gain greater insight, a glimpse through the one-way lens. And you’ll understand that this war is for keeps. Some will die. Could be you, could be me. Could be those we love. But it IS what comes with war. And subterfuge is necessary. Read this Q post from May 19th, 2020:

      POTUS daily ingest HCQ prevent COVID-19?
      Pre announcement: tools [source(s), data, COV-1 v COV-2 analysis, etc.] provided to factually ‘challenge’ narrative?
      Full attack v HCQ by media [D]s?
      Why wouldn’t the media [D]s want to work [on all fronts] to find a possible solution [immediate dismissal]?
      Why doesn’t the media [D]s want the pandemic [rearrange: dem panic] to slow-stop?
      Why doesn’t the media [D]s want society to heal [recover]?
      Why doesn’t the media [D]s want people to no longer fear going outside?
      Why doesn’t the media [D]s want people to point the finger at China as the source?
      Why does’t the media [D]s want people to return to work [normal daily lives]?
      Who benefits the most?
      Why does corp media [D] attempt to control us?
      Why does corp media [D] challenge [attack] anyone who defies pushed_coordinated narrative?
      Why does corp media [D] attempt to prevent [individual] critical thinking [public]?
      Is this about the virus or something else?
      Everything is at stake this election.


  3. Thanks for your reply. It’s much appreciated and valued. So few take the time. Truly, thank you.
    No doubt there is much sacrifice happening and to come. At this point it seems trump will end up sacrificing himself on this hill. Many including me, can’t fathom an explanation for this pro death jab stance. As you say, it doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Perhaps it isn’t even a good one, but a necessary one. Thought adjustment comes only from the source.
    Someone wise once said, something is only complicated until someone finds a simple way to explain it.
    You say this is for keeps. Which I take to mean as even greater cause than life and death. Beyond the scope of this here and now perhaps.
    I’m sure you understand the fatigue we are all under. We don’t know what one another’s stories are. What another across the world goes through, what their story is.
    Nor are most of us in a position to act as we might like just yet. Shooting our shot too soon would be a mistake.
    I know I’m in the dark. I don’t like it. But it’s not about me.

    Go well radio patriot.

    1. Thank you Eddie. Please come by and visit often. I try to bring forward the info I find useful and important. Your questions (and confusion) are not unique. Glad I could help shed some light.


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