Bankrupt Pfizer.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. God Bless You, Warner Mendenhall! This BANKRUPTCY should happen, the sooner the better! Financial death penalty to Pfizer Company, and possibly the Death Penalty to the Criminals who run this company to act violently against ALL US citizens, with their products.

  2. This would be an honorable service for the people of this country. When the Cromof Pfizer is giddy with all the deaths the shot has caused and the CEO of Moderna walks off with more than 900 million it is evident this has never been about our health and saving anyone.

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