Blowing Smoke?

I don’t think so.

In fact, the reason I’m tying in Q “drops” or “crumbs” with what folks like Joe Lange, Karma Patriot, JJmil, Just Human and many others are saying is I believe they’re on the right track when it comes to figuring out what’s REALLY taking place behind the curtain, and why we should be encouraged and confident that we’re going to come out of this a stronger nation, unified and aware of the dirty tricks that have been played on us for decades.

The folks I call your attention to on this site and many others like them have spent hundreds of thousands of hours doing deep-dive research and finding information – historic/technical/policy/etc. information – that the average American doesn’t know, hasn’t been taught, or have been mesmerized by media propaganda all their lives.

This is why I bring you “Spitballs” and video podcasts to help you understand the why of their theories and how they arrive at them.

If you agree, or are at least willing to entertain the thought that they could be right on target and not blowing smoke, I ask you to please share it with your circles. Twitter is no longer picking up WordPress posts, reducing the number of people reading my posts. Q called this part of the war to save our republic “The Great Awakening” for this reason. To help our fellow citizens understand and to calm the gloomers and doomers who think the end of the world is near when they begin to freak out.

Here are some more updates from Joe Lange, who is prolifically sharing his opinions on Spitballers Channel today.

We’ll begin with his last piece from yesterday and bring it forward from there:

May 19, 2023

I differ with those that think Trump can’t be CIC. I think he’s been CIC and a war time president from the day he was sworn in which is why he was surrounded by generals at his inauguration .

It’s been war from day one and the military is following the Counterinsurgency guide as I’ve written about in a Substack.

Q emphasized this strategy four times.

It basically has two parts.

The military (clandestine) part of the war happening in many areas behind the scenes with Trump as CIC.

The second part of the strategy is civilian (public) with an unconventional war being waged in the media and within the government which is all for the sake of the normies.

Both strategies are happening simultaneously and have been since Trump was sworn in.

Biden is a fake president. He’s illegitimate which is why Trump pulled the trigger on devolution, COG and a shadow presidency before he left office. Basically stripping Biden of any real power as president.

He doesn’t control the levers of the executive branch that a real president would.

I see Trump as a president in exile as Slag once wrote about.

I think he’s heavily involved in a lot of things and knows exactly what’s going on at all times.

I believe the constitution requires the military to have a civilian CIC at all times which is why there is succession rules.

Maybe it’s not Trump but someone else is acting CIC but I think it’s still Trump. 

He’s a war time president fighting an insurgency and has been since day one in my opinion.

May 20, 2023

I’ve said for a long time that they all know what’s coming. They don’t know the details or the timing, but they all know these huge criminal investigations are happening and they also know the military is involved.

Q told us early on that many were trying to cut deals, including the Clintons.

In exile is my opinion of course.

We all know the military watched the steal happen in real time on election night.

The military already knew Biden was illegitimate as proven by how he was treated on Inauguration Day.

But here’s what some people are forgetting.

It was a military plan to allow Biden to steal the election so he would be exactly where he is now, destroying the democrat party, red pilling normies and taking the blame for the coming economic crash.

It was the plan all along 

The military already knew on election night that Trump was the legitimately elected president and CIC.

What stopped that?

The military follows a chain of command.

That chain of command is written in the constitution by the founders to make sure there was always a civilian CIC in order to represent the fact that the people are above everything, including the military.

How do you get around that part of the constitution?

I don’t think we can ignore it.

When he is in exile, he is commanding the military in a war against the insurgency.

He’s been denied his full executive branch authority by the very fact that the election was stolen and he is not in the WH and “fully” controlling the presidency.

These four years will not count against him because he’s not sitting in the WH.

It’s like an invasion except Trump was already fighting an insurgency even within his own administration.

I believe Trump will get a new election because the previous one will be ruled unconstitutional and judges nor military are allowed under the constitution to pick the winners.

The people do.

But that doesn’t stop Trump from being CIC in exile fighting the same enemy.

I can totally understand if someone thinks someone else is the CIC right now instead of Trump.

I would disagree but the constitution says some civilian has to be.

Who is?

That’s the real question.

Which is exactly why I say people are underestimating the war time power Trump wields.

If the election is unconstitutional and Trump and the military watched it happen in real time with help from foreign actors, does Trump have the power to set aside the election or the electors?

I say he does.

Did it happen?

We don’t know but that is my opinion.

So if the election is unconstitutional then Biden is not a real president which we all agree.

But if you follow the Counterinsurgency strategy, there are two things happening simultaneously.

The military clandestine operation in the background and the civilian operation for the sake of the population.


To turn the population against the insurgency and to restore the populations faith in its government institutions.

It’s a military strategy that Trump has been leading since he was sworn in.

The fake Biden presidency is like a movie but for a very important purpose.

We’re all just spit balling because none of us know the details.

But my main point is this.

If Trump is following the constitution, then the founders placed a civilian as CIC over the military and did so for an important reason.

The devolved part of the military that is running this operation, that Biden has no control over, must have a CIC in the chain of command according to the constitution.

I don’t see how we get around that important part of the constitution if we are following it.

Who is that CIC is a great question in my opinion 

I think it’s still Trump.

Here’s the question I asked myself which is why I have the opinions I do on whether Trump is still president.

If Trump and the military watched the nationwide steal of our election with help from foreign actors on election night, wasn’t it an act of war by an insurgency controlled by foreigners?

If that is the case, does Trump have the power to set aside an unconstitutional election or electors in order to save the Republic legally?

I say he does because the SC has already upheld that the president alone wields the power to set aside parts of the constitution in a time of war when the very Republic is at stake.

The constitution is meaningless if we lose the Republic, as the courts ruled.

I think people are underestimating the power Trump truly wields.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

1 comment

  1. I watched Trump’s inauguration live time, and the Military’s presence made me go “Hmmm…not the norm.” As for CIC? The “obvious” would be Trump, but for the sake of war–it could very well be someone least expected, and someone never revealed.

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