Report: NHS ordered euthanasia to inflate COVID deaths

Why do I find this not hard to believe?

Here is a report. NHS ordered euthanasia to inflate COVID deaths in hospitals.

Whistleblower: NHS ordered EUTHANASIA to Inflate COVID-19 Deaths in Hospitals

Patrick WebbJun 28, 2023

Officials at the U.K. National Health Service (NHS) reportedly ordered medical staff to euthanize patients in order to artificially inflate the number of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths, according to a whistleblower who wishes to remain anonymous.

Contrary to what authorities and the mainstream media had reported, the COVID-19 pandemic did not overwhelm NHS hospitals, according to the whistleblower who went by the alias Dr. John. Additionally, he revealed the two ways NHS executives falsified data regarding COVID-19 fatalities.

First, they negligently directed medical staff to treat patients with the barest minimum and then simply allow them to pass away. Second, they gave staff instructions on how to put patients to sleep using the drug midazolam and the End of Life Care program. Both of these orders resulted in deaths that were mistakenly recorded under COVID-19.

According to the Daily Expose, Dr. John’s testimony “highlights the negative impact of changes in care policies, leading to patients not receiving proper follow-up care and negative outcomes for patients and their families.” It also reveals how the British government “authorized the essential ‘mass murder’ of the elderly and vulnerable by midazolam injection and then told the public [that] COVID-19 was to blame.”

report written by the U.K. Care Quality Commission (CQC) and published in November 2020 backs up the whistleblower’s claims. The aforementioned report claims that 34% of NHS employees were forced to give Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders to COVID-19 patients who had disabilities and learning difficulties.

Incidentally, the report stressed that every decision about DNR “must be made on the basis of a careful assessment of each individual’s situation and should never be dictated by ‘blanket’ policies.” But based on Dr. John’s disclosures, the NHS’s blanket policies played a big role in these DNRs that were used to manipulate the actual number of COVID-19 fatalities.

Fear of COVID caused patients to miss much-needed medical care

Dr. John also pointed out how the neglectful policies in hospitals have led to patients not receiving proper follow-up care, resulting in worse outcomes. He added that he has “seen this mess evolve from the very beginning of the pandemic.”

“I used to see an average of 20 patients per day, that dropped to one to two patients during the first lockdown. I have even witnessed an elderly lady with horrific broken bones come into the hospital three weeks after her accident as she was too scared of catching the coronavirus to visit the hospital sooner. In the end, the pain overcame the fear.”

The whistleblower continued by saying that he also conducted evaluations on patients experiencing chest pain in their homes. He claimed that these patients were so terrified of COVID-19 that they would rather have a heart attack than contract SARS-CoV-2. 

Furthermore, he emphasized that because the follow-up visits did not take place, parents frequently took matters into their own hands, including taking off casts from their kids’ broken limbs. Dr. John also brought up the instance of an elderly woman who had a hip replacement. She only had one in-person follow-up appointment and one phone follow-up with a physiologist after her surgery.

“I found her laid in her mess on incontinence pads, her dignity taken because she was bed-bound with a fixed rotated leg, unable to transfer to a commode,” he recalled. “Her family was extremely upset.”

As a result of not receiving the necessary care, one of Dr. John’s family members passed away from cancer, which served as the basis for his testimony against the NHS. The aforementioned relative was given seven years to live, but under the new system, she only lived for one year.

“I’ve also witnessed the desperation of families witnessing their own relatives dying sooner than they should have due to the lack of professional care that should have been provided,” Dr. John said “It has been a very sad year in which I have witnessed the demise of the health service.”

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. My sister was killed ny euthenasa last summer They used oxygen acidity. They turned the oxygen poison by turning up the dosage.

  2. Did you see The Fall of the Cabal, The Sequel? It’s on Rumble. Somewhere around episodes 17+, they went into the euthenasia methods.
    When the hospital was actively trying to murder my spouse in early 2022, I begged Almighty God for help, quoting every promise in His Word I could recall. He answered quickly and my spouse not only got out (on a lot of oxygen which wasn’t needed but a couple of weeks) but has totally restored lungs, today!
    While praying after hospitalization, I heard, “Pray for Restoration”, so I did.
    ALSO, my spouse coughed up long, curly, white tendrils for 5 months. This was not pneumonia or “Covid pneumonia”! When Dr. Ardis showed a lung X-ray from a cobra envenomated person, it matched EXACTLY my spouse’s!!! We were sprayed from above the week before we got sick!! I saw the “clouds” woven like cloth, with points of blue sky at the intersections and thought “what are they up to!?! I was also affected – didn’t feel like pneumonia – felt like breathing at altitude. Azythromycin stopped progression but I still hacked up a lung for a week. Pneumonia comes out as chunks or blobs. This was NOT pneumonia!! BUT, Azythromycin worked where ivermectin and hydroxy chloroquine did not! They changed the bioweapon so it could be sprayed and it must have had a different component added by 2022 after Fraudci said, Oh, it CAN be aerosolized!! Now, also sells HCQ and Azythromycin.

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