Meet “Ghost of Based Patrick Henry”

He has important information about the Middle East to tell us.

A three minute explanation of the current Saudi government, how/why it was purged of corruption, the timing in relation to Trump 2016, and how it relates to the escalating tension right now between Iran and Israel.

(Obama was helping Iran overthrow Saudi Arabia as the power center of the Middle East. That fight is still underway.)

Also explained is Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) Al Saud– the young Saudi Crown Prince– and why he is so fiercely hated by the despicable US State Department, CIA, and western news media/establishment.

Yes, MBS is working with Trump to take down the globalist oligarchy, but he was doing this before Trump even announced he was running for POTUS. Why? 9/11.

MBS–who grew in the 1990’s loving American culture– had the same visceral reaction to the attack as the rest of us, though his outrage was fueled by the backlash the Saudi royal family received as the CIA’s scapegoat for the false flag.

“I am going to hunt down EVERY person involved, and destroy them.” -MBS, at the age of 16 (This is why I call him “Mega Based Salman.”)

See newer version here:

“And too many innocent people of every religion, race, and nationality stuck in between the power struggles.”

To view the entire program…

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


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