And their leader is Barack Hussein Obama

People are seeing the trucks with supplies arriving at universities across the country, including the exact same signs, shirts, masks, tents, tables, chairs, even with the same snacks, brand of water bottles, etc., etc. And you can bet the next phase will be the pick up trucks with pallets of bricks.

This is NOT going to end well!

But it is Qatar financing these Pro-Palestinian Protests (really Hamas terrorist rallies), more specifically it is the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas) which is not just based in Qatar, they are the Qatar government and their unofficial leader is Barack Hussein Obama II.

Reader Comment:

“100% They are currently using traffic disruption and halting vehicles normalizing the act of stopping the traffic flows, this will later become an ambush. In the military this is known as a traffic control point as we saw in Israel on October 7th and by ISIS throughout the Middle East, these actions must be prevented. No individual or group should be permitted to disrupt traffic in such a manner.”

“The villains typically target unarmed individuals. However, a significant portion of the population will bravely confront them, armed or not, to put an end to their actions. This resistance will bring a level of brutal justice that the villains have never faced. They may not want to provoke this response, but they will, and they will regret it deeply.” — Kris Hunter on X

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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