Deal with it.

. . . . .

Horse Pens 40 (Photo credit Sipsey Street Irregulars)

Been spending a lot of time lately over at the Sipsey Street blogsite, and man, oh man, am I getting an education. One that’s taking me back to Waco and Ruby Ridge, and former CIA chief William Colby and Vince Foster and Ron Brown… and so much more it is actually giving me a bit of a stomach ache.

But I can’t pull myself away, except for this moment to share with you an excerpt of a speech the Dutchman6 (Vanderbeogh) gave last October to a stalwart group at the top of an Alabama mountain on a beautiful fall day.  You really ought to read the whole thing.  It will make you cry while it makes you proud.  And you will be glad there are such men — such citizens — in our country, men (and women) who will be there on the front lines when it all goes to crap.  God have mercy on America.

Deal with it.

For we are DONE backing up.


Even if we must fight.

Even if we must fight.

And I am afraid that we will be made to fight by people — grasping, tyrannical people — who, because they are not Americans themselves, at least not Americans the Founders would have recognized — because they are not Americans themselves they do not understand that because we ARE Americans, because we remember who we are and where we came from, that we will fight to refuse their “humane” offer — their “privilege” — of becoming involuntary European Marxists. They offer, they threaten, to enslave our children and their children after them and we refuse, even though it might mean our deaths. Even though it might mean their deaths.

For would-be tyrants should always remember that if the Constitution and the rule of law no longer protects us — the people — then it doesn’t protect them either.

Deal with it.

Deal with it.

We refuse.

If I may paraphrase Michael Collins,

For we have a weapon more powerful than any in all the arsenals in all the world and that weapon is our refusal. Our refusal to bow to any order but our own — any institution but our own.

We refuse to bow to their tin-pot secular gods.

We refuse to accept any more infringements on our lives, our liberty and our property.

And with our refusal must also come our insistence.

We must insist that the gradual infringements of these things tolerated by our fathers, our grandfathers, and yes, even ourselves, cease. We insist that they cease and desist. And not only do we insist that they cease, but we insist that they be rolled back to the original meaning of the Founders.

We must insist.

We must refuse.

And it is they who must deal with it.

Deal with it, Nancy Pelosi. Deal with it, Barack Obama. Deal with it, “dude.”

Deal with it GOP compromisers.

Where the Tea Party says “let us be free, please,” we say

“We are already free and you have no power over us that we do allow you to wield — we are already free, leave us alone, or else.”

Deal with it.

So here we stand today, free citizens on our free-standing mountain in North Alabama, and we say to those who seek to take our liberty, to destroy our children‘s futures, to enslave us in some collectivist tyranny encased in a velvet nanny state
glove —

We refuse.

We insist.

Deal with it.


. . . . .

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. That photo reminds me a lot of a campsite while hiking atop Mount Cheahah, the tallest peak in Alabama, in October of 1983. Is that the peak where the speech was given?

    By the way, Andrea, that speech boils down to an original quote on my Web site: “Be willing to die on your feet, or get ready to live on your knees.”

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