More Ponderings… the Presidents Responsibility

by AnOldPieceOfLeather

More Ponderings… the Presidents Responsibility

The thing is, that isn’t the actual issue. The person who is now addressed as ‘Joe Biden’ isn’t the real pathological liar we’re familiar with but a body double, actor or whatever it’s called. This will hopefully be made very public as soon as possible after our President is inaugurated for his (actual) third term.

The doubles’ only job is to perform what he’s told by his handlers, most likely by the Kenyan and the key senior advisor (he’s been identified but I don’t recall his name).

Because there are still too many who aren’t awake that if this specific was brought into the public eye, there would be a distracting resistance as it being a crazy conspiracy theory, even though undoubtedly there are millions who are alert enough to be in agreement of this.

‘He’ was never put in place to “do the job” expected of what we assume to be a loyal, patriotic president, but to be a tool for the radical left/deep state/cabal. He’s clearly played the part.

He was never meant to function ‘normally’. Ever. He began following his destructive instructions the day he was installed, signing the EO shutting down the Alaskan pipeline.

Consider the splintered factions of what was to become the New World Order; the many active actors in the swamp, the Kenyan and Muslim Brotherhood, George Soros and his son, Alexander, the Rockefellers and Rothchilds, the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari, World Health Organization, the UN, NATO, CCP and Xi, and any others don’t appear to have any cohesion at all. That in itself set their path to eventual failure, especially since they severely underestimated the American patriot base.

The results of the lawfare against our President has/is done/doing the opposite of what ‘they’ wanted. The longer it’s drawn out the worse it will get for them. The narcissistic arrogance of the judges and district attorneys has blinded them to what the future holds in store for them. Imagine the closed door conversations of the SCotUS, or at least the ones who actually believe in and follow the Constitution.

The reality of this point is it’s moot. Those paying attention know that entity, whatever their label, is losing. They know it and they’re ramping up desperate, chaotic efforts in attempt to change the tide.

Even Propaganda Media is visually panicking. The dumb, dizzy blonde Nicolle Wallace on MSDNC lamented almost tearfully “if Trump gets back in the White House there won’t be a ‘White House correspondents’ dinner and awards’, there will no longer be truthful news”. (That, IMO, is a ‘head-to-desk’ statement.)

What have we heard about the train derailing in East Palestine? The “forest fire” in Maui? The container ship “accident” crashing into the Francis Scott Key bridge? The bigger issues as the “war” in Ukraine and what’s happening between Israel and the Palestinians (include Iran, Hezbolla and Hamas) are looking like they’re being intentionally dragged on to keep the masses focused on those — stronger emotional misdirection psyops.

Are the distractions an attempt to keep our focus off what Congress is doing (or not doing)? It’s possible, partially to what the three-letter agencies and NGOs are busy with.

At this point it’s irrelevant because we’re getting so close to November 5 that too many in Congress will be focusing on campaigning. They already voted for a 41% pay raise, so that’s taken care of.

Three-letters and NGOs may be trying to ramp up their activities, being warned their time is limited once our President is back in the White House. It’s no secret.

There is still some time for more false flags and actions meant to divert our attention to what ‘they’ are doing, but even the sleeping sheep are beginning to realize something is horribly and extremely wrong.

We can expect more diversions but the majority of the population won’t fall for it.

Just stay alert and use situational awareness; using critical thinking by now should be second nature.

We are winning. We are getting our country back.



By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. I am assuming there WILL BE a process that will NULLIFY everything this cabal has put in place…. laws, executive orders, etc. I’m still trying to figure out how we’re going to recover from a market crash if you had / have a home with a mortgage / retirement, etc. (Gold is NOT an option for everyone, regardless how much it’s pushed by various entities.) And honestly, I think this fear alone is what is holding a lot of folks back from being red-pilled…. the fear they will lose it all and simply can’t face the possibility…so better to deny.

  2. Thanks “Leather”…loved this piece…you put it together perfectly….I would HATE to be one of the sheep and come awake all at once when the reality of the situation hits them HARD up the side of their heads and between their eyes at the same time……many may need mental “help” with that……I for one will be too busy being thrilled, relieved, and on my knees thanking God and His angels for helping us all to get through this multi decade nightmare……keep up the good work and thankyou!! 🙂

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