MacArthur – parked.

History repeats itself.

The other MacArthur precedent: Strategic demotions

Posted By Clare Sestanovich Wednesday, June 23, 2010 – 2:19 PM

President Obama has just announced that General David Petraeus, head of U.S. Central Command, will replace now-booted General McChrstyal as top commander in Afghanistan, technically a lower position though probably a more strategically vital one . This isn’t entirely unprecedented. In 1941, then-President Franklin Roosevelt demoted Douglas MacArthur as part of a strategic — not punitive — change of policy. A Time article from that year describes the general’s surprising composure in the wake of professional reshuffling:

Field Marshal Douglas MacArthur, Military Adviser to the Philippine Commonwealth, had just taken a demotion in rank. As he stood at a window in his penthouse apartment atop the swank Manila Hotel, looking out on the bay, on the brooding fortress of Corregidor, he was (for practical purposes) no longer a field marshal or the four-starred general he had been when he retired three and a half years ago from the U.S. Army. His Commander in Chief had just called him back to that Army in reduced but impressive rank.

General MacArthur was not downcast at this technical demotion, and he had no reason to be. For he had also been made commander of The U.S. Army Forces in the Far East.”

Ten years later, of course, MacArthur got the axe for real for his public disagreements with President Harry Truman over U.S. strategy in the Korean war. Strangely, Dugout Doug seems to have set a precedent for both the generals in the current controversy.

*** Bookworm’s opinion on the appointment of Petraeus.

Categorized as Military

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Old soldiers never die. They just become Fox News contributors and write tell-all biographies.

    I hope.

    But there’s probably UCMJ law on that. sigh.

    I’m old enough to remember Richard Harris, and old enough to have retched at the Donna Summer remake. 🙂

  2. woopsie.. just read on Instapundit that McChrystal was a genuine liberal. Not only did he vote for the ObiWon, but he banned Fox News in his offices in Afghanistan….

    I don’t believe every liberal is evil, and I don’t believe every military man must be a conservative. I know he’s a good general and a valiant warrior and I have nothing but respect for him. I only point out his liberalism ends any possibility that he’ll wind up doing any kind of ‘tell all’ on his experiences with Oblama. Ain’t gonna happen. Especially on Fox News. 🙂

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