Using Korans to generate heat – Gen. George Patton Jr pleased.

Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

After reading the Koran and observing North Africans, he wrote to his wife, “Just finished reading the Koran—a good book and interesting.” Patton had a keen eye for native customs and methods, wrote knowingly of local architecture, even rated the progress of word-of-mouth rumor in Arab country at 40–60 miles a day. In spite of his regard for the Koran, he concluded, “To me it seems certain that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammad and the utter degradation of women is the outstanding cause for the arrested development of the Arab. . . . Here, I think, is a text for some eloquent sermon on the virtues of Christianity.”

Oh sweet mother of God…

They burned Bibles, didn’t they?

Where’s our General Patton when we need him?

A Florida pastor plans to burn Korans to generate some heat, and it certainly is.

Good on him.

The Rev. Terry Jones plans the Koran burn-up to mark the anniversary of 9/11.

And no less than U.S. Army General David H. Petraeus, commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan apparently has gone flaccid, saying the burning books could endanger the lives of U.S. troops.

Gen. Petraeus said he is “very concerned” about possible repercussions of the pastor’s actions.

“It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort in Afghanistan. It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems. Not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community.”

What the heck kind of talk is that?  Isn’t our military trained to do exactly that — fight the bad guys?  Maybe lighting the Korans on fire will draw these miserable “peaceful religionists” out of their caves and out from under their slimy rocks so we can pick off each and every one of them and send them to their 73 virigins (I threw in an extra one for good measure).

Gen. Petraeus ought to be showing more brass ones than he’s wearing on his shoulder.

He’s a trained killer leading trained killers who kill criminals that threaten to blow up and burn down our cities.  They’re wearing Kevlar, not knee pads.

We’re fighting an enemy that is determined to conquer us, regardless of what the alleged president Muslim Obumbler wants to call it.  Look around you — cities all over the world are ablaze, set by adherents of the “religion of peace” and yet we are appeasing them?  They want to build a freaking “mosque” at the place their own demons plowed into our buildings, killing 3,000 Americans?  And we’re going to let them?

What is wrong with us?  It puts our troops in harm’s way?  That’s what they do!  Go into harm’s way to defend and protect us.  What the hell is wrong with these people?  Now we’re being cowed into not burning a book?  When they burn our bibles, step and crap on our flag, behead our fellow citizens and bomb our buildings?  Whip and stone their women, chop off hands, break spines, and commit all manner of atrocities?  And we’re worried about burning their “How To” manual?

Petraeus, Obama, and all the other Bloomberg idiots talk to us like we’re already slaves.  Are we? Are we slaves?  Are we going to continue letting them dictate what we will do?

At what point do we say NO?  NO MORE!  NOT ON OUR WATCH!

More than burning Korans, what’s really endangering our troops? The Pentagon bureaucrats’ Rules of Engagement that have hampered our warriors’ ability to kill the enemy. Perhaps Petraeus should expend his energy on killing the jihadist “religion of peaceniks” instead of worrying that burning their Koran will make it worse for our troops.

This from MKJessup:

General, you worry about wiping out the Taliban over there (that IS your job isn’t it?) and let Americans worry about how they want to enjoy their Constitutional guarantees regarding freedom of expression, ok?

Look at it this way General, the more of those scumbags you kill over there, the less there will be to threaten the lives of our troops.

General Petraeus, you’re a good and decent American and presumably, a Christian. You ought to know more than anyone else that Islam is nothing but a death cult.

Kill or be killed General, that is what they intend to do, and we should be helping them become martyrs for ‘allah’ each and every day, 7 days a week.

From himno hero, Free Republic Commenter

“Most people do not recognize that what happens in a mosque is sedition. Pure and simple. Islam is not just a “religion”, it is a cult. Larger than that though, it is a political system, it is it’s own government, a economic system (which includes funding new mosque construction), it’s judicial…all wrapped up in the word sharia. This is inclusive of its military (jihadis) all rolled into one with one intent …and that is to rule wherever they take root. It is an invasive, systemic infection looking to take over the host once it has quantum.

This is not a “religion”, but something that cloaks itself in those terms so it should not be given the same treatment contemplated under the first amendment. The Koran’s Sharia rules are to consume whatever government there is wherever it goes.  Islam is political, and it’s goal is to supplant and replace. Globally.”

If Gen. Petreaus and his military refuse to fight the Muslim jihadis and protect us, we might as well go down to the local Muslims R Us and buy our prayer rugs now.  And make appointments for our wives’ and daughters’ clitorectomies.


And from Amerisrael

This comes to mind in light of General Petraeus’s warning “against” the planned Koran burning protest by an independent fringe church in Florida. The wrong way to protest.

In Afghanistan, where General Petraeus is the new commander, Bibles were confiscated by U.S. military authorities from a soldier and burned last year.

That was an absoluely repugnant action. One that every U.S. citizen in this country should have protested and denounced.

And why did our U.S. military authorities in Afghanistan do that?

-because Al-jazerra reported it’s “concern” that the Bibles could be given to Muslims and used to share with them the Good News of forgiveness of sins through Yeshua [ Jesus], the Messiah.

The U.S. military authorities caved in and made “appeasement”.

We are told that our troops are in Afghanistan to prevent it from becoming a safe haven for terrorists.

What about the safe haven for terrorists in Iran that is on the very brink of obtaining nuclear weapons and our military under Obama will do nothing to stop them.?

Or the safe haven for terrorists in Lebanon that Obama wants to go ahead and give $100 million in military aid and and equipment to the Hezbollah/Lebanese army?

Or the safe haven for terrorists in Gaza that our government has already given $millions in aid to?

Our government under Obama has done nothing but embolden the jihadist enemies of the free-West since he became president.

Our U.S. military should not be supporting an Afghan government that will not accord true freedom of religion and speech for all it’s citizens.

We remember the outrageous matter of an Afghan man who embraced Christianity and then faced the death penalty in the Afghan court system.

In this country we have freedom of religion. Freedom of speech, and expression guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

Freedoms that Islamists are using against us in order to advance the Islamization of America,–

while our own U.S. government is complicit in helping to repress freedom of religion in Afghanistan by confiscating and burning Bibles, making appeasment to Islam.

When our U.S. military authorities in Afghanistan engage in that sort of action, they are in effect making appeasement and working against freedom of religion for Afhanistan.

If it talks like a Muslim, walks like a Muslim, thinks like a Muslim and defends the Muslims…

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. I only have criticism for 1 item in the posting–please do not
    disparage or demean the character of animals by referring to
    adherents of the death cult as such, that is a slur on the character of actual animals. The followers of the “religion of
    peace” are monsters &/or beasts or “demon spawn”, if you
    prefer, but they are not animals!! Animals display far more evidence of higher intelligence, civilized behavior & common
    decency than do these followers of a pedophile prophet!! I say
    burn them all–let’s see some “tolerance” from their side!!

  2. The report noted that hundreds of AFGHANS called for the death of Obama.

    But, in neighboring “Pah-kee-stahn” — where Obama visited in his youth — there was no such call.

    But, they are both Muslim countries.

    But, they often have border clashes, because of tribal conflicts — some of which are centuries old.

    Obama increased the military pressure against Afghanistan, while increasing the cooperation with neighboring Pakistan.

    What’s the difference?

    Could it be some sort of “blood is thicker than water” tie that Obama has with some tribal leader in “Pah-kee-stahn”?

    (How else could he have gotten inside the country — purportedly as an American — during the time when Americans were banned from there? And, why would anyone WANT to go there?)

    Keep in mind that, at the time when Obama went to Pakistan for an extended visit, the CIA was helping the Mujahedin in neighboring Afghanistan, because they were fighting off the invading Soviet tanks.

    Also keep in mind that, at the time that Obama was on his extended visit to “Pah-kee-stahn”, he was supposed to be at home and registering for the draft that President Carter was gearing up. (Click this link.)


  3. The fact still remains, that this particular group of people are
    always so quick to respond to an insult, real or imaginary, &
    demand respect, tolerance & special concession from all others
    in re: to their “culture” & especially their “religious practices &
    icons”. When have they ever demonstrated these same traits
    for any other group of people–oh that’s right I stand corrected
    muslims in Afghanistan fought to preserve the historically
    significant statues erected to commemorate a belief other than
    their own & then there was the venerable cathedral in Istanbul that they protected, after they overran the city or
    the historic temple site in Jerusalem . . .Perhaps it is not
    very Christian of me & I will be the 1st to admit it–but I
    will not condemn those who simply demand the same
    standard across the board; muslims should, for once, be
    prepared to practice that which they impose on others!

  4. The differences between ragastan and ratistan are few when you get down to the nuts and bolts of both countries. That the
    potus and a top military commander have stepped into a free speech issue makes me ill. Almost as ill as islam does.

    This is an excellent site and appreciate all you do. Freedom is
    not free. There is NO freedom within islam and sharia law.

  5. Well said, Patriot–how true that sharia law/islamic teaching is,
    despotism & tyranny imposed on all others by pain of death!

    Those were my sentiments exactly when I heard what Petraeus had said: “Where are our General Patton’s today?”
    Do you know, this is the FIRST comment I have read/heard along this line since this whole situation came up! We need to keep that Pastor & his congregation in prayer. I’m sure you saw the New Black Panthers already gathering at his location.

  7. It is easy to post on blogs but you did not read what Gen George Patton, Jr, and what you quoted carefully:

    “Patton had a keen eye for native customs and methods, wrote knowingly of local architecture, even rated the progress of word-of-mouth rumor in Arab country at 40–60 miles a day.”

    You endanger US soldiers.

    General David H. Petraeus, is right on.

    That callous guy who wanted to burn Koran in fact endangered Indian soldiers and school kids in Kashmir. Which led to heavy firing and 12 died.

    By your support is incompetent and dangerous

    Should you all pay compensation?

    I am born a Hindu, studied in a Christian school. I know Sikhism, Buddhis, Islam, Jainism, Zorastrian.

    My city, Mumbai, is brutalized by over 15 terror attacks. What about you?

    I’ll teach you the Bible inside out.

    Of Gen Patton was alive he would throw you all into the stockade

    I am a proud alumni of a Christan school . Like my father. And my family

    You are arrogant and utterly clueless.

    A disgrace to Jesus Christ.

    Kashmir: principal of fire-ravaged Christian school speaks out

    Tanmarg (AsiaNews) – There are no Christian students in the school burnt down by Muslim fanatics three days ago. “The community we were serving was 100 per cent Muslim,” said bitterly Pravez Samuel Kaul, principal of the Tyndale Biscoe School, which is now but smouldering ashes as a result of the ‘Burn-the Qur‘an’ proposal launched in the United States by Rev Terry Jones. “Ironically, our library had many copies of the Holy Qur‘an,” he said.

    Ma Kaul, who is Anglican, has worked in the education field in Kashmir for 26 years. His tale of destruction is also the story of how law enforcement underestimated the situation and moved in too late. It is also the story of how the fundamentalism of so many quickly turned against the school, and themselves. “The impact of the loss [of the school] will be felt firstly by Muslims themselves,” Kaul said. Here is what he told AsiaNews.”

    The Tyndale Biscoe School belongs to Church of North India and is a branch of the Tyndale Biscoe and Mallinson Educational Society in Jammu and Kashmir.

    The school in Tanmarg, which is to the north-west of Srinagar, was designed to serve the people living in this rural area. Tanmarg is completely rural and there are no Christians. The community we served was 100 per cent Muslim. Our society, the Tyndale Biscoe and Mallinson Educational Society, has been here since 1880. It was our contribution to rural society, providing holistic values based on quality secular education. All of our staff, teaching and non-teaching, is also made up of Muslims.

    The burning of our school is the immediate result of the outrage caused by the proposal to burn the Qur‘an in the United States.

    On Sunday night, in Kashmir, the local Masjid (mosque) showed a video-clip from an Iranian news channel of the reported desecration. After the mosque called for a mass gathering, people stayed out until 4 am of the next day.

    The local authorities did nothing, assuming people would disperse after the protest. Our request for security went unheeded.

    The crowd grew until 15-20,000 people marched on to the school, which is just one kilometre and half away from where the gathering took place. When they arrived, they began vandalising the building, and then set it on fire. The whole three-storey structure with 26 classrooms, library, and computer labs burnt down to the ground.

    Ironically, our library had various copies of the Qur‘an. In half an hour, the building was gone since it was made of wood.

    Before burning it, the mob vandalised it. Ours was a beautiful school—we had just finished painting it two weeks ago. It was spread over three acres but now it stands desolate and ravaged.
    Here it is:

    Tanmarg :There are no Christian students in the school burnt down by Muslim fanatics three days ago. “The community we were serving was 100 per cent Muslim,” said bitterly Pravez Samuel Kaul, principal of the Tyndale Biscoe School, which is now but smouldering ashes as a result of the ‘Burn-the Qur‘an’ proposal launched in the United States by Rev Terry Jones. “Ironically, our library had many copies of the Holy Qur‘an,” he said.

    Ma Kaul, who is Anglican, has worked in the education field in Kashmir for 26 years. His tale of destruction is also the story of how law enforcement underestimated the situation and moved in too late. It is also the story of how the fundamentalism of so many quickly turned against the school, and themselves. “The impact of the loss [of the school] will be felt firstly by Muslims themselves,” Kaul said. Here is what he told AsiaNews.”

    The Tyndale Biscoe School belongs to Church of North India and is a branch of the Tyndale Biscoe and Mallinson Educational Society in Jammu and Kashmir.

    The school in Tanmarg, which is to the north-west of Srinagar, was designed to serve the people living in this rural area. Tanmarg is completely rural and there are no Christians. The community we served was 100 per cent Muslim. Our society, the Tyndale Biscoe and Mallinson Educational Society, has been here since 1880. It was our contribution to rural society, providing holistic values based on quality secular education. All of our staff, teaching and non-teaching, is also made up of Muslims.

    The burning of our school is the immediate result of the outrage caused by the proposal to burn the Qur‘an in the United States.

    On Sunday night, in Kashmir, the local Masjid (mosque) showed a video-clip from an Iranian news channel of the reported desecration. After the mosque called for a mass gathering, people stayed out until 4 am of the next day.

    The local authorities did nothing, assuming people would disperse after the protest. Our request for security went unheeded.

    The crowd grew until 15-20,000 people marched on to the school, which is just one kilometre and half away from where the gathering took place. When they arrived, they began vandalising the building, and then set it on fire. The whole three-storey structure with 26 classrooms, library, and computer labs burnt down to the ground.

    Ironically, our library had various copies of the Qur‘an. In half an hour, the building was gone since it was made of wood.

    Before burning it, the mob vandalised it. Ours was a beautiful school—we had just finished painting it two weeks ago. It was spread over three acres but now it stands desolate and ravaged. ”


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