Viva Las Vegas and Ely, the sweetest little town in Nevada!

Day #2 on the road with the Tea Party Express IV “Liberty at the Ballot Box” national tour started with the sweetest rally I’ve been part of yet. You might think the word “sweet” is an odd way to describe a patriotic rally, but I’m hard pressed to describe it otherwise. Intimate — with about 300 Ely Nevada residents, young and old alike, elderly WWII veterans who held their hands over their hearts to pledge allegiance, and children who waved flags in the warm fall sunlight as they honored those who paid the price. Look at these photos and see if you don’t agree. The nicest people in the world live in Ely, a little mining town in the mountains of Nevada.  See pics in post below.


Later today we wheeled into Las Vegas for a hootin’ big time! Stoney’s Rockin’ Country was the scene, and the place was jam packed. When we got there, Wayne Allyn Root was already onstage and the crowd was roaring at his jokes. Root, former vice-presidential candidate on the Libertarian party and self-made millionaire has quite a sense of humour and timing.

Not long after, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County took the stage and the crowd loved him! Arpaio is a rock star. And why? Because he’s doing his job, and telling the Obama establishment to stick it into their pink undies. Lovvvve it!

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Tomorrow we head to the Golden State to rally in Barstow, and later at a super rally in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. We’re broadcasting my radio live each night from the different locations, so be sure to tune in at 9pm ET at The Andrea Shea King Show.

Be sure to check show producer Dave Logan’s blogsite ThirdWaveDave for updates throughout the day tomorrow and every day during the next two weeks, as we make our way across the country, rolling up to Election Day!

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


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