The old dog is still up to her dirty tricks…

"You should see what we say about you" ... Hillary Clinton comments at the State Department on the release by WikiLeaks of US diplomatic cables. Photo: AFP

The stress and distaste for doing the job of lead dog at State is showing. Nowadays, Her Royal Pantsuit looks like death warmed over, haggard, hefty, blowsy and bored.

This is NOT where she imagined she’d be two years ago when she was sparring with the Chicago usurper who knocked her out in the final round. Then she was trim, botoxed, plucked, coiffed, and expertly made up by a team of professionals who pulled off the miracle that made the woman look pleasantly attractive. Remember?

Consigned to the outer reaches of Mongolia and beyond, Hill’s been biding her time, making the most of a lousy job. The last thing she anticipated was an expose even bigger and more damaging than her husband — the lecher-in-chief’s — zipper scandals.

Now enter from left stage the world actor Julian Assange with his Wikileaks.  Whoo boy!  I bet Hillary’s lovin’ life these days.

To add a cherry to the top of this pile, Dick Morris has been penning some stinging (stinking?) “reveals” of Her Royal Pantsuit that unearth a litany of her dirty tricks. Like today’s piece on

The Democrat gadfly and perennial Fox News political tattler knows Clinton’s modus operandi very well, and he’s not wasting a minute blabbing all about it with great glee and delight.

Do you think she might detest him (more than she always did) for peeling back the Empress’ pantsuit to reveal that not only doesn’t she have any ankles, she’s without any scruples too?  Poor Hill… Even Assange is calling for her to resign.

Read on…

The Wikileaks documents show that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has, as Voltaire said about the Bourbon kings of France, learned nothing and forgotten nothing. Her request that American diplomats at foreign postings and the United Nations gather personal data about their foreign counterparts is eerily reminiscent of her use of private detectives to unearth negative information on those who were politically inconvenient during the husband’s campaigns for president and his White House tenure.

At the time, I called these operatives, the “secret police.” Now, apparently, we call them the “diplomatic corps.”

(Snort!  Worthy of Ann Coulter.)

The Wikileaks documents show that you can not only not teach an old dog new tricks, but you can’t stop her from doing the ones she has always done.

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Seems like old times. In the 1992 presidential campaign, the Clintons retained private detectives to learn negative information about the women who were accusing Bill of improper conduct so as to provide blackmail material to cow them into silence. During his White House tenure, FBI files on prominent Republicans somehow ended up on the desk of an operative who was hired pursuant to Hillary’s recommendation after a career as a bar bouncer. Linda Tripp, whose efforts led to the denouement of the president’s affair with Monica Lewinsky, found the details of her personnel file splashed all over the newspapers. A subsequent federal lawsuit found that her file information had been released improperly and a U.S. District Court judge levied a heavy fine on the government for the violation.

The fact that this current State Department covert operation was initiated under Secretary Rice does not lessen Hillary’s guilt for having pursued it. Mrs. Clinton, not Miss Rice, has run for president and is presumed to continue to be interested in the job. Her addiction to spies, dumpster divers, sleuths, and negative research operatives have always been a cause for concern.

[ … ]

But these Wikileaks make one wonder if she has really learned anything at all. She always goes for the jugular and loves the politics of personal intimidation and destruction. It is because she is so well suited and adept at this form of political combat that she was instrumental in her husband’s success in beating back the impeachment efforts that stemmed from his lies under oath in the Paula Jones litigation about his affair with Monica.

Now she appears to have transformed the diplomatic corps into a spying operation, giving us yet another intelligence gathering agency. But, in doing so, she has undoubtedly alienated our allies and damaged our diplomats’ credibility. Who is going to leave his credit card unguarded after a diplomatic lunch after hearing about the new Hillary spygate?

Maybe it was too much to hope for to have thought that she had grown in office.

Silly Dickie… don’t you know you can’t teach an old rabbit — er, dog — a new trick?

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. I knew about the Clintonistas’ use of their “secret police” back in the mid-1990s. The company that they use is headquartered in Little Rock. (surprise! not. grin) They are dangerous … in OR out of office.

    The photo you posted elicits a famous movie line: “I’m melting … MELTING … !” (cue the music)

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