Wisconsin Assemblyman on the Andrea Shea King Show tonight

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The Capitol was Rotunda was relatively empty Friday morning when Governor Scott Walker signed his ammended Budget Repair Bill. A large protest is planned for Saturday that is expected to include Wisconsin farmers on tractors as well as other pro labor factions. March 12, 2011. GARY PORTER/GPORTER@JOURNALSENTINEL.COM

Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) has signed his bill curtailing public employee unions in to law, following a month-long political struggle in the state that saw Democratic legislators fleeing the state, massive protests, and a last-minute parliamentary end-run in order to get the measure passed.

Wisconsin Assemblyman Jim Ott (R)

Tonight  — Republican Rep. Jim Ott was among those who voted to strip the state’s public sector union from collective bargaining. He joins us tonight with Wisconsin resident Mary Allen to share their perspective on the headline-making recent events in Madison that have attracted worldwide attention.


9 p.m. ET


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By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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