The “smoking gun” – a Social Security number.

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It could be falling apart for Obama.  His handlers are going to have to do double time and double down to keep this mess afloat.  First,  here are tonight’s headlines at Drudge — an indication that all is not going swimmingly in Obamaland.

REPORT: Oprah won’t endorse Obama for re-election…

Poll: Obama Struggling With Whites…

Even black voters slip…

And while that is thrumming in the background like a constant bass line, there’s more damage heading in the direction of the fraudster who inhabits the White House. Today a group from Arizona met with Donald Trump at his New York office where they gave him and his attorney more information about Obama’s background.  Jeff Lichter, one of the three-member delegation, reported about the meeting at the website: Give Us Liberty 1776.

As several of you may know already, State Representative Carl Seel, Kelly Townsend, and myself met in Donald Trump’s office in NY today with Mr. Trump and his chief executive Michael Cohen.

We had three goals going into the meeting and I believe that we met all three to the best extent possible in a 30 minute meeting (actually 20 because Mr. Trump took a call from Newsmax during the meeting).  The goals were 1) to obtain Trump’s stated support for the current Arizona Eligibility Bills, which will come to decisive votes this coming week or the one after.   2) To find out as much as possible what the Trump Organization already knew and what they still may not know about the entire eligibility issue, and 3) to get a committment from him to come to Arizona to speak with the Governor, other public officials and the public.


Goal # 1 …..  Met in total, permission received to state his support for the bill publicly!!

Goal # 2 …..  Met within the time constraints.  The discussion trend allowed me to ask Mr. Trump right after he was speaking about the Kenyan grandmother, whether he knew about the Kenyan Assemblyman, (James Orengo) who stated on their Assembly floor so that it is documented that Obama was a son of their soil.  He apparently did not know of that and asked me to send him the documentation.

Even more importantly, I also had the opportunity when we were discussing whether a real long form birth certificate actually exists to do two things.  I mentioned Tim Adams, the Hawaiian election clerk and recent affadavit and ALSO asked whether he, Trump, was going to take the issue beyond the birth certificate and place of birth to the question of NATURAL BORN CITIZENSHIP.

He asked me to explain precisely what that was and I then got to recite the precise clause from Article II, Section I and explain what the founders meant by it; and where they got the concept from, that being Vattel.  He said that he liked the way I was explaining it and gave me another “homework” assignment to send him more information about it.

Also, at some point in the discussion, the false social security number belonging to someone from Connecticut born in 1890 came up and so they are aware of that situation to some extent – maybe not all the way to the FOIA actions and suits filed vs the Social Security Administration by Orly Taitz.  Time did not allow getting into the issue to that full extent.

Goal # 3 ….   Met, very largely in total.  Donald Trump has agreed to come to Phoenix probably in June and asked that Carl, Kelly, and myself be his “point men” when he does come.

A reliable source tells me he is assisting Lichter in assembling the materials requested by Trump, including deep background on the smoking gun: Obama’s Social Security Number, issued by the state of Connecticut.  As we know, Obama was never in Connecticut, and therfore could not have legitimately acquired a SS from that state. So how did it come to be that Obama is using a CT SSN?

Here’s one scenario:  The SSN was issued to an elderly person born in 1890 and living in CT in 1977 and who died a few years later, possibly in HI, which is how Obama’s grandma could have got wind of the # since she volunteered in the courthouse probate office in Honolulu and would have learned the #’s of people who died intestate and thus no one applied for the SSN death benefit and thus the SSA would not know the person died and keeps the number active.

Got it?

OK – moving on…

Doug Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network, a multi-state licensed private investigative agency and his son Joseph, Director of Field Operations (DFO) for the Northeast Intelligence Network, both investigators, researchers and contributors to Canada Free Press,  have written an intriguing piece they’ve titled “The Unraveling of Obama.”

Based on investigative findings that are not discussed in the media, it would appear that the selection and election of Barack Hussein Obama was indeed the greatest scam ever pulled off against the American people. The above provides just a small portion of the critical issues surrounding Obama’s eligibility, identity and his place in U.S. and world history. The story is much larger than a single piece of paper, but that paper, if properly authenticated, will serve as the thread that will unravel the larger tangled web of the Obama legend.

The pair also report on Obama’s SSN:

I urge those reading this and those who are pursuing the truth to avoid “battlefield myopia” and not merely cling to the existence or lack thereof of the long form, authenticated birth certificate. The issue is much greater than the birth certificate or where Obama was physically born, as he could have been born in the Lincoln bedroom during the Kennedy administration and still be ineligible to hold the office of president under Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution. Our founders determined that future presidents must be born to two parents who are both U.S. citizens. Clearly then, the place of Obama’s birth is merely one concern, while the citizen aspect of his parents remains another.

But the scam goes much deeper. Reviewing only the admissions of Barack Obama, we are told that Obama was born to U.S. citizen Stanley Ann Dunham, legally adopted by a foreign national named Lolo Soetoro, had taken the name Barry SOETORO, and was given Indonesian citizenship. He was raised as a Muslim in Indonesia, and attended a school there that accepted all faiths. At one point, Barry SOETORO moved to Hawaii to reside with his grandparents after Lolo SOETORO and Stanley Ann DUNHAM divorced. Obama completed high school as Barry SOETORO Much is missing from his early years, including a legal name change from Barry SOETORO to Barack Hussein Obama II. Absent of any document to show the legal process of a name change within the U.S., it is likely that the man sitting in the Oval Office is, in fact, Barry SOETORO.

The above would also serve to explain the discrepancies with his social security number and region of issuance, a matter we are very familiar with in our capacity as licensed investigators.

[ … ]

… it has become apparent that at some point, the individual known as Barry SOETORO began using the name Barack Hussein Obama II. Based on our investigative findings, it was at about this same time period that the Connecticut issuance of the social security number appeared and became “attached” to the name Barack Hussein Obama. It can then be reasonably reconciled that Barry SOETORO became Barack Hussein Obama while he was a young man in New York following his mysterious trip to Pakistan on a passport that was likely not issued by the U.S.

The Hagmann, pere & fils, explain Obama’s mother’s connection to a number of people and events, revealing a wider web of deceit and obfuscation than even we’ve suspected:

In our investigation, we found that the scrubbing and altering of records pertaining to Obama began well before he became an Illinois state senator in the 1996 election cycle. The “scrubbing” or alteration of records did not begin or end with Obama, but also extended to his mother and other associates as well. In fact, a very large and extremely relevant part of the investigation of Barry SOETORO, or Barack Hussein Obama II as he is known, revolves around his parents, step father, and grandparents. and extends from the U.S. mainland to Hawaii and other points across the globe.

Stanley Ann Dunham, Indonesia, microfinancing operations; Peter F. Geithner of the Ford Foundation, father of US Treasury Sec’y Timothy Geithner; the BCCI scandal of the late ’70s and the players who are part of the Obama White House orbit; Obama and his role in the Communist China agenda in terms of global finance; communist infiltration in our government, particularly in the State Dept.; communist, Marxist and socialist ties in Obama’s lineage and inner circle; the media’s role; missing and scrubbed documents.

Well worth the read, and on Saturday morning, the Hagmanns will discuss this further on their radio program, CFP Radio called The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, broadcast live every Saturday from 8:00-10:00 p.m. ET.


And finally, this piece by Thomas Lifson published a year ago at American Thinker: Stanley Dunham’s FBI File reportedly destroyed.

Stanley Dunham, the man President Obama called “Gramps”, was monitored by the FBI, but like President Obama, his paper trail has been obscured. News comes from Cliff Kincaid, via the Christian News Service and Canadian Free Press.

The loose ends are starting to fray.  But there are many who are quietly and deeply investigating — more than perhaps Obama even knows.  It’s just a matter of time.

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By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Democrat Phil Berg, attorney, created this video before the 2008 election. Listen to what he says about attending school in Indonesia, and his final question at the end of the video is right on!

    Phil Berg – Democrate against Obama – not born in America

  2. The Kenyan Parliament has RECORDED in their session minutes that Obama was born there. The exact words are:

    “If America was living in a situation where they feared ethnicity and did not see itself as a multiparty state or nation, how could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the President of America?”

    This can be found at the following link. You will need to look under the date of 25.03.10 and open the pdf then go to page 31 (middle of 2nd paragraph)

    Then again on 05.11.08A page 17, right column, under the heading “Point of order” 2nd paragraph it says:

    “Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the President-elect, Mr. Obama is a son of the soil of this country. Every other country in this continent is celebrating the Obama win. It is only proper and fitting that the country which he originates from should show the same pomp and colour.”

    and here are a couple videos that I made last year on the subject:

  3. OMG, Obama is scrubbing the net BIG TIME!

    I have had this Kenyan Embassy info for over 2 years now and the files were ALWAYS there. As soon as the article comes out about Trump and the recorded minutes of the Kenyan Embassy, they have mysteriously disappeared. LUCKILY, I have the PDF’s saved and snapshots of the site, before they took them down!

    It shows that they updated the site, TODAY!
    Obama is runnin scared!

  4. Did you happen to mention the certified true copies of the original Certificate of Live Birth and Birth Certificates from Kenya?? The other 38 SSNs? Selective Service Record?, etc. Remember “The Three Stooges Goes To Washington”, by Don Bartloff. The most extensive Obama research of all the investigations to date.

  5. Believing that Obama would likely “scrub the Net” at some point in the future, I made a separate file of this audio recording of the Kenyan ambassador saying that Obama’s birthplace there was “already well known” as a historic site in Kenya — on the day after the 2008 election here.–Detroit_talk-radio–Kenyan_ambassador–EDITED–3-18.mp3

    That recording is part of a column that I wrote in November of 2008, showing how the staff of the Embassy of Kenya knowingly LIED to me and to another writer from WorldNetDaily.

    From the above-linked page, you can also look in the sidebar to find my three-part series on Obama’s draft registration.

  6. There have been major misstatements to the effect that for a “baby” to be “natural born,” both parents must be U.S. citizens. Berg (2009) wrote that the law is very clear:

    1. If a baby is born in the United States or its territories, the baby is “natural born” regardless of the citizenship status of the parents. [That is why so many pregnant women sneak across the borders from Mexico and bear “anchor babies”]

    2. If both parents are U.S. citizens, then the baby that is born anyplace in the world and returns to the United States through Immigration, that baby is considered “natural born.” [John McCain is a perfect example of this]

    3. However, when a baby is born abroad and only one parent is a U.S. citizen, then you look at the law in effect as of the date of birth (DOB) of the baby. We contend that Mr. Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya. In the case of Barack Obama, that DOB was August 4, 1961. The law stated that the U.S. citizen must have lived in the U.S. for 10 years [Obama’s Mom did] but 5 of those years had to be after the age of 14. Hence, 14 and 5 = 19; – Obama’s Mom was “only” 18 when she delivered Obama – therefore, she was “not” old enough to convey U.S. “natural born” status to Obama.

    Berg, P. J. (2009, October 1). Welcome to Obama Crimes. Retrieved October 1, 2009, from

  7. You all need to save this stuff and norotize it. This imposter should die, the world would be a better place.

  8. I have sent a copy of my book, The Obama Timeline, to Mr. Trump. (Whether it will actually get to him I do not know. I have previously sent copies to Supreme Court Justices and members of Congress.)

    Attorneys Mario Apuzzo and Orly Taitz have copies of my book, as does author Jack Cashill (Deconstructing Obama). The book is a gold mine of information that Trump’s researchers would find valuable. If it is not in the Timeline, it has not yet been reported. (Part I is available in paperback. Part II is updated daily and can be read online at:

    For those unwilling to read the 3,000+ pages of the Timeline (parts I and II combined), a condensed chart of the essential 1961-1995 facts can be found at:

    It costs nothing to read the chart. Pass it on to as many people as you can.

  9. Israpundit has a revealing post up today re Obama; it should be read in its entirety because it fills many holes, the puzzle is coming together one way ot the other.
    the faster, the better-his handlers are nervous I’m sure; the internet can never be totally scrubbed.

  10. There have been major misstatements to the effect that for a “baby” to be “natural born,” both parents must be U.S. citizens. Berg (2009) wrote that the law is very clear:

    1. If a baby is born in the United States or its territories, the baby is “natural born” regardless of the citizenship status of the parents. [That is why so many pregnant women sneak across the borders from Mexico to have “anchor babies”]

    2. If both parents are U.S. citizens, then the baby that is born anyplace in the world and returns to the United States through Immigration, that baby is considered “natural born.” [This was the case for John McCain]

    3. However, when a baby is born abroad and only one parent is a U.S. citizen, then you look at the law in effect as of the date of birth (DOB) of the baby. We contend that Mr. Obama was born in Mombasa, Kenya. In the case of Barack Obama, that DOB was August 4, 1961. The law stated that the U.S. citizen must have lived in the U.S. for 10 years [Obama’s Mom did] but 5 of those years had to be after the age of 14. Hence, 14 and 5 = 19; – Obama’s Mom was “only” 18 when she delivered Obama – therefore, she was “not” old enough to convey U.S. “natural born” status to Obama.

    Therefore, Barack Obama is not a natural-born citizen. Proof positive. The man is a usurper and not a legal president of the United States. We should impeach him and remove him from office. This was the greatest hoax perpetrated on “We the People” in United States history and possibly the history of the world. All of this will come out within the next 12 months.

    Berg, P. J. (2009, October 1). Welcome to Obama Crimes. Retrieved from .

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