Who or what’s up Obama’s butt?

Next time Obama has a colonoscopy, I wonder who they’ll find in there. Which NBC personality will show up first?”  – Rush Limbaugh

On his radio program today, Rush Limbaugh talked about the Left’s drum beat that the Tea Party is on the downslide.  He took them apart.

“… this week’s DNC talking points are out. Over the weekend, we were treated to two oversampled push polls that proved — quote, unquote, “proved” — Americans are turning against the Tea Party. The polls were from the New York Times in conjunction with CBS and CNN. Now, what could possibly be dubious about that? (laughing) The New York Times in conjunction with CBS and CNN say that Americans are turning against the Tea Party. Now, these outlets carry so much water for the Democrat Party, they should be officially labeled aqueducts, ’cause that’s what they are.”

In what turns out to be a timely piece, my article at WorldNetDaily published Aug. 13th examines the impact of the growing tea party movement and how it is more active than ever.

While pundits and pollsters have been pointing to dissatisfaction over the debt-ceiling debate as evidence America is growing disenfranchised with the tea party, some of the group’s leaders are touting Wisconsin’s recall election this week as evidence that the movement is far from dead and that the grass roots of America are still steeped in tea-party ideals.

Tuesday’s recall election win for Gov. Scott Walker and four Republican state senators has been praised as a victory for the principles of smaller, fiscally responsible government, values that define the tea party movement, even if all the people who voted for Walker don’t call themselves “tea partiers.”

“The tea party is made up of layers,” explained Sal Russo, chief political strategist of the Tea Party Express, in the wake of the election. “There’s the visible layer made up of Americans who get out with their signs and go to rallies in Washington. Then there are the fervent tea party supporters, who make up about 25 percent of Americans, although they don’t get out to rallies or protests. Finally, there’s the 30 percent who aren’t sure what the tea party movement is, might be hesitant to say they belong, but connect with us on the issues. They vote the same way the tea party does. This layer is much broader-based.”

When you consider the voting impact of the final group – Americans who may eschew the “tea party” label but who still vote the same values – Russo says, rumors of the tea party’s demise are grossly exaggerated. — Read more

Rush summed it up:

“The great thing about the Tea Party is it can’t really fade away because it really isn’t a party. It’s a state of mind. As long as the American people want a smaller and less intrusive government, the Tea Party’s always gonna be popular — and it’s always gonna be large as long as a guy like Obama’s in the White House.”


SACRAMENTO, CA – Tea Party Express (www.TeaPartyExpress.org) accepts the flattery from President Barack Obama for conducting a bus tour across the American heartland. As they say,  “Imitation is the highest form of flattery.”

But like his economic and fiscal policies, Obama has it wrong again.

1.  The Tea Party Express bus tours are paid for by private, small donations from citizens who give voluntarily to take back their country.

In contrast, President Obama is paying for his bus tour by charging taxpayers the tab for an obvious political tour to gain his own re-election.

2.  The purpose of the Tea Party Express tour is to get Washington to wake up to the fact that America can no longer grow the intrusive federal government, spend money in record amounts or continue to skyrocket the national debt.

President Obama is promoting a bigger government with higher taxes and more spending, a policy that has failed to restore America’s economic health and contrary to the effective policies for creating jobs promoted by President John F. Kenney and Ronald Reagan.

3. The Tea Party Express went to Massachusetts to call attention to the failed policies promoted by Congressman Barney Frank that resulted in the housing bubble and collapse, the root of many of our current economic problems.

In stark contrast, President Obama is going to Massachusetts for 10 days to play golf and go yachting on Cape Cod at taxpayer expense.

We appreciate the flattery, but we would rather Obama got it right!

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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