Obama’s ears. Or… ‘The Crook in the Death Star bus.’

Daniel Greenfield of Sultan Knish writes today about Obama’s ears, and the fact that they’re so plugged with wax images of himself he can’t hear a thing… except the sound of his own voice and the echo chamber of the fifth column media.

A “listening tour” in million dollar buses bought out of country. Positively oxymoronic.

Excerpt from The Not Listening Tour:

Lean close to sniff at the messaging apparatus of the Democratic Party and it smells like the sweat of a car salesman’s armpit. Behind the fake greek columns, the new logos and the social media is a crook trying to unload a lemon on you at twice the price. And if you buy now, he’ll throw in a 15 trillion dollar deficit. Now the crook is driving around on a listening tour in his Death Star buses promising more jobs and lower deficits and a hill of magic beans.

Now the man who has built his career on pretending to be a great speaker, while listening to no one but his own teleprompter, is trying to convince the American people that he is listening to them. But all he means is that they need to listen to him. For three years the media has complained that the public isn’t properly listening to Obama. According to the talking heads, he was just too bright for the ordinary mob of angry villagers wanting jobs and lower taxes to listen to him. Now the villagers are even angrier and he still isn’t listening.

To listen to someone you have to accept them as your equal in some way. Obama cannot do that. And he is part of a political movement that is based on aggressively not listening and using their media to manufacture a consensus.

If Obama were going to listen to the people, he had plenty of opportunities after he was elected. Instead he spent three years ignoring the people, condescending to the people, lecturing the people and vacationing at expensive places and overseas destinations to get away from the people. And his convoy tour is there to impress and awe the common folk with the scale of it. Like Putin staging a fake hunt or finding a trinket that was set there for him to find, this isn’t about listening. It’s about impressing. In both senses of the word.

The Not Listening Tour is supposed to remind us of Obama’s importance, his easy manner and how photogenic he is. All qualities manufactured for him by media coverage. It’s supposed to awe us with his entourage, and his wealth, which is really our wealth. It’s not a listening tour, it’s just another royal procession at public expense. And while kings may occasionally talk to commoners. They don’t listen to them. Instead they toss some gold coins out the window, wave and drive on.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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