We’re in a civil war already. We just haven’t pulled out the guns yet.

And if you want to see proof, just look at the level of dysfunction in our society.

Revolution?  If you don’t believe it’s coming, you’re not paying attention to the signs.

From a Ventura County tea party group:

One of our local Tea Party members had the following encounter with Rick Santorum last night:

“So here’s how it went.  When I got there, Santorum was chatting with XXXXX in the back of the hall. When XXXX saw me I reached over and greeted him that actually interrupted his conversation with Santorum to do so. I then knew I could strike up a conversation with Santorum as he thought I was a VIP. LOL.

So when XXXX walked away I said, “Rick (yes I called him Rick), I have a question for you. Why isn’t anyone in DC investigating Obama? And he said, “you mean his past?” And I said, “No, I mean his SS# and other crimes”.

And he said as he shook his head looking down in what appeared to be exasperation and embarrassment; actually more like resignation, “I don’t know.”

So then I said, “what do you mean you don’t know? What’s the matter with all of you people in DC? Are you all living in the Beltway Bubble or are you all complicit?”

He was just standing there looking at me. And so then I said, “You know we could solve a big problem right now if someone would have him thrown him in jail”.

And then someone came to get Santorum and I got in one last word. I said, “The person who has the courage to speak out on this could win the Presidency.”

And off he went. So I said it. It felt good to tell one of these bozos to their face. Oh and I decided to ask him away from the audience since I felt I may get a more honest reaction. They are all brain dead I think.”

The response from another member of this tea party group came back almost immediately:

Thank you, George, if you were the one who stood up and spoke to Santorum as you did like Orly does. Thank you also for having me on your email list, as I do appreciate knowing what is going in these situations.

I just received an email that I am most concerned. It is about what may come down, so we all need to be watchful.

You may have heard about Jimmy Hoffa’s comment and his threats to the Tea Party group. A reminder and parallel to this most despicable comment, was also the action from Emanuel in the past during the Clinton election or during this past election, as Emanuel actually pulled out a knife publicly and announced in a gesture who were the enemies or traitors and put the knife in the table on each name allegedly stating, ‘die’ in gesturing how much they are wanting to win, and the consequences to those who get in their way.

I heard this yesterday spoken on the radio around 11:30 AM locally.  I just do not put it past them, if this email I mentioned is true, they are planning something in October and it could mean retaliation towards many of us, right before the election to scare us or other.

I sent it to a few and if you have not received it yet, let me know if you are interested as I am not sure it is true or not, but it is possible since Hoffa’s commit (sic) and what was just mentioned on the radio.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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