Roanoke, Virginia, Jackson & Barnhardt

Former Virginia Governor and US Senator George Allen appeared at the Roanoke Virginia rally earlier today on the first sunny day we’ve seen all week. George Allen is running for the US Senate — again. The crowd was thin, but both Allen and his primary opponent, tea party organizer Jaime Radke.


Earlier this week, we wee in Providence, Rhode Island.

Tuesday, Sept. 6 -- Journal photo/ Mary Murphy Two Tea Party Express buses were parked in front of the Marriott Courtyard in Providence Wednesday morning. A tea party rally is scheduled for Wilson Park in North Kingstown today.


Ann Barnhardt has been busy writing at her blogsite.  We talked about her today on the bus — everyone here who knows of her LOVES her writing and her moxie and her bravery and love of Jesus Christ.

Victoria Jackson has joined out merry little band here on the TPX tour, and I showed her how to get to Ann’s site.  In doing so, I found this pearl, perfect for our remembrance of the tenth anniversary of the attack on America.  This post points to the bravery and love of our uniformed men and women.  It’s called…

Ferocious Love

Posted by Ann Barnhardt – September 6, AD 2011 4:50 PM MST

Hat Tip to Claudia at on this one.

VIDEO HERE. Click on “Complete File” over on the right side of the page.

This is a video of Major Heather Penney, who was one of the fighter jet pilots scrambled from Andrews AFB on September 11th. Fast forward to the 20:00 mark and listen to Maj. Penney calmly describe how she and her wingman were prepared to ram United 93 because there wasn’t enough time to mount missiles onto their respective aircraft.

Understand that a willingness to sacrifice your life in order to save the lives of others is one of the highest manifestations of CHARITY, for which we use the word “love”. Love isn’t always warm-fuzzy, touchy-feely kissy-face. Many times it is ferocious, fearsome, awesome and terrible. Yes, terrible. As in causing one to tremble in reverence. That is why God is frequently described as “terrible” in scripture. Because He is. Pure love is terrible to behold. Angels are also terrible to behold on those rare occasions when they appear to people. That is because angels are fearsome, powerful, beautiful warriors who are able to stand in the full presence of God’s love. This is also why the first thing out of their mouths to people are the words, “FEAR NOT”. They are telling people not to be afraid because they are a fearsome, terrible sight. Love is a fearsome and terrible thing.

If these fighter pilots had NOT been willing to sacrifice themselves in order to take out United 93, that would have been self-centered cowardice – the exact opposite of love. This is why the arguments of pacifists are so monumentally off-base and frankly, intellectually shallow. To sit and watch evil run free and unchallenged over others in order to prop-up some perverted, self-serving notion of your own moral superiority is the antithesis of love.

“Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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