Revolution for an Obama Free America


Some astute observations about Beverly Perdue by a North Carolinian who knows this piece of work real well…

Bev Perdue has ample motivation for wanting to “suspend elections”


Congratulations to Judi McLeod of Canada Free Press whose piece “Warning: The threat of suspended elections is real” was mentioned prominently by Rush Limbaugh on his show today. And as it happens, el Rushbo’s comment nearly crashed CFP’s servers.

Highlights from Judi’s piece:

With absolutely no proof of any kind of who he really is, Barack Obama made it to the Oval Office in 2008. There was no media vetting of the largely absentee senator from Illinois, who even back then had the temerity to compare himself to Abraham Lincoln. All anyone ever had to go on was an autobiographical book suspected of being ghost-written by an unrepentant domestic terrorist.

[ … ]

The point is that Barry Soetoro took the name Barack Hussein Obama, got himself elected and immediately began pushing the country so many look up to, right up to the precipice and nobody—nobody—has been able to stop him.

[ … ]

North Carolina Gov. Bev Perdue was not joking when she spoke about suspending elections. Nor did she pick the idea out of thin air. Perdue was giving the suspend-congressional-elections idea its first oxygen for her hell-bent-for-leather boss.

[ … ]

Obama is not campaigning. He is preparing for Stage Two of the Total Transformation of America, using taxpayer money to prepare his Internet-identified “troops” for the coming Marxist Revolution.

He must not be allowed to get away with it. Patriots should now be doing everything legal to stop him in his tracks.

Nothing is impossible when all the control is held by a tyrant.

Obama and his masters already pulled the biggest scam on any country in modern times by making it to the White House without legitimate I.D.

A dangerous new chapter is being written in American history that, if successful, is destined to impact the history of the West. It’s called ‘Re-Election by Suspended Election Revolution’.

Patriots who want their grandchildren to grow up in a Marxist-free America should start the counter revolution called the ‘Revolution for an Obama-free America’ and they should start it “like yesterday”.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Thank you for linking my post, but I’m not from NC, I am just really good at research!
    My friend LadyLiberty1885, who I quoted in my post & stole the above picture from, however, is from NC and has a great post about that lunatic as well.

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