Tea Party Express to endorse a candidate before SC Primary


Tea Party Express WILL Endorse By South Carolina. Who WILL it be? Amy Kremer leaves us wondering…

Kevin Dujan at Hillbuzz has something to say about it. A word of caution?

And a commenter at Free Republic sums up what many of us are thinking:

Look, the Tea Party isn’t beholden to any party—I agree with that idea. Some Republicans have been as bad as most Demon rats.

I am a Tea Partier who thinks our first goal should be to defeat Hussein in November.

I agree with Sarah Palin when she said most folks are in the “ABO” camp—Anyone but Obama.

I also agree with Rush Limbaugh when he said ANY of our candidates (in my opinion the worst ones are Paul and Huntsman) would be able to defeat Hussein.

My personal analysis comes up with this reasoning, which does not comport with some of the loudest and most vitriolic posters here on FR. That analysis is that Hussein HATES America. None of our candidates—including the often vilified Mitt Romney—hate America.

Hussein hates America and wants to destroy our traditional Judeo-Christian ethic, our Constitution, and capitalism. None of our candidates has that goal—and so I will support with enthusiasm our nominee.

I know many are taking the “never more” stand—but not me. I think this Republic is at a dangerous crossroads, and I’d rather pray for a change in the heart of a flawed but well-meaning man (and all of our candidates are flawed) than endure the regime of an occupier who is hellbent on punishing America.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. If Romney is the Nominee…the Tea Party Is TOAST! Finished! Done! I believe this whole-heartedly! I for one will not pull the lever for him…I will vote for congressional conservatives only…Romney puts on a real good show but I believe he is a big government progressive…I do not trust him or many of the folk endorsing him starting with Karl Rove, John Mc Cain, John Sunnunu etc…V

  2. I have to agree with Virginia, as regards the Tea Party, we CANNOT possibly endorse Romney and still be credible. That is just what the Elites in the GOP Establishment wants.– TOUGH!

  3. “I also agree with Rush Limbaugh when he said ANY of our candidates (in my opinion the worst ones are Paul and Huntsman) would be able to defeat Hussein”

    I agree with Virginia and Nsp that we cannot endorse Romney. Although I am troubled by the statement I posted above. In my view you can transpose Romney, Santorum, Gingrich, and Perry as they are all the same.

    None of them are conservatives. None. Either you believe in the Constitution or you do not. It is pretty simple. I joined numerous local tea party groups in the hope we could unite around the Constitution and support candidates in the primaries who fit our views in the hope we could get them elected.

    But what I see in those who truly believe Romney, Gingrich, or Santorum are actual conservatives troubles me. No conservative can call them conservatives with a straight face and mean it.

    The writer stated the “worst ones” are Paul and Huntsman. Now I have little to no interest in Huntsman but Ron Paul is the ONLY conservative in this race. We talk about following the Constitution and restoring liberty but we as a party embrace Romney? Really?

    Other than a different name and different letter next to his name how is Romney drastically different than Obama? I mean last night(01/10/12) Romney was giving his victory speech from a teleprompter!

    Believe me I understand how bad we want Obama out of office. I do. But for goodness sake lets not get rid of Obama with another Bush. We have the opportunity now to elect a true conservative with 30 years of consistency! A man who is beholden to no political party(democrat or rino’s). A man who is called dangerous because he wants to follow the Constitution and declare war before waging it!!!!

    He is called unelectable but only by republican pundits and news organizations. We are told he could never beat Obama yet realclearpolitic polls show him tied with Obama. Ron Paul had more independent voters vote for him than Romney in New Hampshire. He won almost 50% of the vote between ages 18-29 yet he is the oldest candidate in the race.

    The fact of the matter is the only people not supporting Ron Paul are the “mainstream republicans”, whatever that means these days.

    For crying out loud even democrats are switching parties just to vote for Paul! How many have switched for Romney?

    It is time for true conservatives who aren’t afraid to think for themselves to choose the modern day Goldwater/Reagan candidate.

    End the undeclared wars, restore peace, promote prosperity, bring back sound money, end the fed, repeal obamacare, and above all restore the CONSTITUTION!

    Vote for and endorse Ron Paul in 2012!

    The only true conservative in the race.


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