Truckin’ for America

“Trucker Randy” Bishop of Michigan sent this along tonight.  

Grassroots effort by Truck Drivers and Patriots Saving America!!!

Truck signs too in Michigan, Ohio, Virginia and Florida two weeks before the election!!!

Thanks, Trucker Randy from Michigan

In addition to being an activist, Trucker Randy hosts his own radio show along with Brian Sommerfield on

Patriot Voice Radio Network
610 W Sheridan Street, Suite 5
in Petoskey, Michigan

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

1 comment

  1. Hi there Randy, I’m Penny Misner met you the day of the Lincoln Day Dinner, donated my ticket to you because I decided not to go (explained my reason being the frustration and disenchantment with the GOP and the local branch in particular) . We had a brief discussion in my humble living room and I was impressed with your enthusiasm. You said you’d ‘get back with me’…well you didn’t. That’s ok. I had no idea you were a local celebrity radio talk show host busy guy…at any rate my reason for wanting to contact you is you had what seemed to be a plethora of information on Gary Peters connection to the Communist Party and plans to use that in upcoming strikes against his campaign. To date I have heard ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from any media attack even remotely connecting Peters to anything more nefarious than union backing. So what gives? To be fair, I was unaware of your radio show and to my chagrin even the station that broadcasts it. Happily I am now and will attempt to tune in and ‘follow’ both you and the station online. Okay, I’ve had my say, thanks for giving me a platform. Hope to hear from you.

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