Watching FOX News Sunday – Chris Wallace’s interview with Mitt Romney.

Here’s my take on it:

The establishment republicans / Faux News (but then I repeat myself) trot him out, saying it’s because of the “buzz” about Mitt.

May I ask, “WHAT buzz?’

Who’s talking about him? Who’s excited about what Mittens has to say?

Answer: The Establishment Ruling Elite who want you to believe that because they intend to draft him into the nomination yet again. Why? Because they are desperate — and determined — to prevent a Rand Paul or a Ted Cruz from taking over the White House.

THAT would be toxic to the Karl Rove/Roger Ailes crowd . Paul and Cruz are not their guys. They’re not likely to be controlled by the GOP RINOs. It would wreak havoc with the Establishment’s game plan. God forbid!

So… they’re building a machine to move Romney back into the public eye, positioning him as a “Strong Voice” against Obama’s policies. And FAUX News is their vehicle.

I spent most of 2012 on the road campaigning for Romney. I rode a bus wrapped with his face (alongside Paul Ryan’s) for a solid month, desperately encouraging residents in the upper tier swing states to support Romney/Ryan.


When we as a team gathered to watch the first debate, we were SO excited! Romney was showing some cojones! YAY! We were encouraged and energized!

But it was short lived. In the 2nd debate Romney let Obama and Candy Crowley walk all over him.

He NEVER brought up the ONE thing that would have demolished Obama: BENGHAZI. He showed the nation that he was a milquetoast, something we suspected, but now saw as proof positive.

So… NOW he does? NOW he’s asked by propaganda puppet Chris Wallace about his views on Benghazi?


Question for you: WHY DIDN”T ROMNEY DO THAT IN Debates #2 and #3? Where was he with his “strong opinions” when it counted? When it mattered? When we were screaming at the TV for him to swing and take a solid punch at that arrogant mug?

We repudiated Romney in ’12. Millions of conservatives refused to vote for Romney. Despite our (Campaign to Defeat Obama PAC) best efforts, constitutional patriots saw right through him.

Just as I see right through this blatant attempt by the GOP / FAUX NEWS machine to set up Romney for another run.

Watch and learn.


By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Will Rogers said, “if you don’t stand for something,you’ll fall for anything.” The Federal Level Tea Party Express stood for defeating Obama,but supported the more liberal candidate Romney.

    I will give you a hint,the People had spoken once rejecting Romney and you ignored them again.The trend of people with resolve of their conscience is conviction,not a slave-mind.

    Keep doing what the GOP consultants are telling you and you will speed America to the day of cities smaoking and great suffering.The 2 party political rule and their un-contitutional electoral college and party medias locks out the people candidates, and re-elects the same politicians, has America at the end of her experience,Just keep up the insanity,and blame it on people not showing up to vote.Even with less people voting,the same people are still being re-electd.Please don’t voilate people’s conscience’s with the same trash runnig for office ?

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