Biden more corrupt than Clinton

Rudy Giuliani and K. T. McFarland Reveal the Sinister Reason Why China Claims the Coronavirus Came Out of a Wet Market

China has a major reason for pushing the fake news story that the Wuhan coronavirus was created randomly in a wet market.

Former New York Mayor and Trump supporter and Trump personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani interviewed former US Attorney Joe diGenova and his attorney wife and partner, Victoria Toensing, about corrupt Joe Biden’s activities in China and around the globe.

At the 12:00 mark, Joe and Victoria state that the Bidens are more corrupt than the Clintons. A very shocking statement, indeed. The interview was excellent.

After Rudy interviewed Joe and Victoria, he brought in K. T. McFarland, who at the 30:00 minute mark, revealed why China continues to claim the China coronavirus came from a wet market:

One of the reasons that they keep insisting, despite mounting evidence that it came from a lab in Wuhan, they keep insisting, no, no, it came from a wet market, or maybe it was America who did it. They cannot admit culpability for the following reason, if they do, then there’s a clause that they put into the Phase 1 US-China Trade Deal, where in essence in this trade deal it said we would lift sanctions, we would lift the tariffs on them and then they would buy a lot of agriculture and other goods from us.

But there’s a clause that’s in there, a get out of jail free clause, which says, however, if there is a natural occurring disaster, the two parties will renegotiate. In other words, China doesn’t necessarily want to keep the terms of the deal. And so it’s very important for everybody, for them, to say, well, it’s a naturally occurring disaster coming out of the wet lab. It wasn’t China who did that.

So not only do they give themselves an out for the trade deal, that they were pressured into signing, but they also will give themselves an out if companies and countries and individuals, all come to the International Courts and try to sue China.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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