They’re after us.

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So guess what.

George Webb’s investigation trail led to an interview by a CNN hack named Donie O’Sullivan who did a hit piece on Webb. Read it here:

Also, the Daily mail published a copycat article, getting Webb’s name wrong. Read it here:

George has pulled down his Twitter account and announced he will be posting his reports on Patreon only for now.

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Many of us have had our Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other social media accounts taken down for violating the ephemeral “Community Standards” arbitrarily set up by the Left Wing puppets dancing to their handlers. Q posted this tonight:

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And this…

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The doctors, Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, operate out of an urgent care clinic in Bakersfield. Citing fatality statistics in California, the doctors argued that the Chinese virus has proven less deadly than anticipated.

“We have 39.5 million people, if we just take a basic calculation and extrapolate that out, that equates to about 4.7 million cases throughout the state of California,” said Dr. Erickson. “Which means this thing is widespread, that’s the good news. We’ve seen 1,227 deaths in the state of California with a possible incidents or prevalence of 4.7 million. That means you have a 0.03 chance of dying from COVID-19 in the state of California.”

The doctors made their case in a 50-minute press conference, which was uploaded to YouTube. The Google-owned video platform has since taken the video down, replacing it with a message stating that the content violated its community guidelines.

23ABC News Bakersfield, the news station that uploaded the video, confirmed that the first part of the press conference is no longer available on YouTube. The news station said it has submitted an appeal to YouTube but has yet to hear back.

In the video, which has been reuploaded to other channels as well as to other video-hosting platforms, Dr. Erickson said that the focus on the coronavirus was drawing medical resources away from other urgent problems.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

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