Amazing how it all clicks into place.

Years ago, I did an online radio program every weeknight at 9. Since then, I’ve found that listening to the new generation of podcasters to be almost as enjoyable! So this is what I typically now do in the evenings when I’m not posting info messages to you on this site.

Picture it – sitting in my easy chair, laptop perched on a lap pillow, reading and sharing with you some of the best that I find. Yes.

But there’s something else occupying my time when I’m not at the computer.

I’m listening to podcasts – from Bards FM to X22Report to Mike Adams to Simon Parkes and others — helping me understand the big picture. While I’m listening, things tend to click into place.

So… it’s a pretty good metaphor for what I also do while I’m listening… I work on jigsaw puzzles. Like this one.

I’ve completed a dozen or so over the past few months, whiling away the evening hours listening to engaging conversation and occasionally history, like victor Davis Hanson’s interviews about ancient wars between nation states and the lessons they teach about warfare and politics. Hillsdale College recently presented an online study program — a 25-episode series hosted by Wilfred McClay, author of the book “Land of Hope, An Invitation to the Great American Story.” In it, he gives a fascinating account of our country’s founding politics, its presidents, their challenges, personalities, accomplishments, shortcomings, and the historic environment during which they lived and administered our nation.

So I am in a sense, fitting together contemporary and historic pieces into a mental picture that helps me understand where we are, where we are headed, and the history that brought us here. Last night as the final Hillsdale study episode ended, the timing was perfect — I clicked the last piece of this 1,000 piece puzzle into place, giving me the BIG picture. Literally and figuratively.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Beautiful puzzles. Do you keep them and frame them or put back in box? I used to paint while listening, but now type notes for friends that don’t like listening to long audios. Trying to get message out to as many as I can! Red pilled another today! Interesting saw on Telegram that CPAC will be like State of Unionh since Joe didn’t have one.

  2. That is a beautiful puzzle. I think I would glue that one down and frame it. Funny you mentioned your radio show. I had some old emails stored on a folder and found them the other day and it was your radio show. You were interviewing your friend Elizabeth Crist. Miss that podcast, but you are right. There’s plenty to listen to. Hard to keep up.

  3. Puzzles are a while away thinking place, too! I just cannot thank you so much for the inspirational posts, the places to go, the incentive to listen and learn more. Doing my own research has been vital, when I’ve missed something someone else has heard. Then, it is important to pass along. Had to stop the fb and found much more worthwhile
    Info on telegram. Love the younger ones, so proud of them! On telegram, try
    Qfrogman5326 as another interesting link. Wwg1wga🙏

    1. Thank you Samantha! I’m so pleased you find my offerings worthwhile. We get only 24 hours each day if God will it, and so much of that is taken keeping up with the steady waterfall of information. Working quietly on a puzzle while listening to Dave at X22 REPORT, or Scott Kesterson (BardsFM), or Mike Adams at Briteon, and the occasional inside scoop from Simon Parkes, is a very enjoyable time of the day. No pressure. Just a relaxed mind exercise (1,000 piece puzzle) while listening to the thoughts and info of the aforementioned hosts.I’m fortunate that I have no demands on my time so I can avail myself of the water/info rushing over the falls.

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