X22 Report – Follow along

The corrupt politicians are now being exposed. The stimulus bill is not going to the people, it is going to the corrupt elite. People are now noticing that the math does not add up. The Patriots trapped them in their own game, and when the people are awake they can see clearly and think logically. The Patriots are in full control. Messages are now being sent out to the people. The [DS]/MSM have fallen right into their trap. The Patriots are now preparing to pull back the curtain. The virus is being removed by the same [DS] that put it into place. Trump can see who are not for the people. Gen. Flynn lets us know we are at the precipice, the war will be won by the Patriots.

Unlike The $600 Stimulus Checks, $1400 Checks Are Not Protected From Seizure By Debt Collectors 

  • Many Americans may never receive their $1400 stimulus checks, as the new $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill doesn’t prevent stimulus checks from being seized by debt collectors.
  • The first $1200 stimulus checks in the spring were also not protected, although some states did enact their own protections against garnishment for the first round.
  • The second payments of $600 were fully protected.
  • The $1400 checks will not be protected because the relief package was passed via budget reconciliation, rather than as a stand-alone bill. This allowed Senate Democrats to pass the bill with 51 votes, instead of 60.
  • Any private debt collector can seize the $1400 payment.  Source: breaking911.com

Stimulus Breakdown: Combined Bills Cost Families $69,000, Individuals $17,000 But You Only Get $1,400 While $1 Trillion is STILL Unspent 

  • Here is the breakdown:
  • Less than 9% goes to combating COVID-19.
  • Twenty-seven percent (or more than $500 billion) goes to state and local governments.
  • Twenty-one percent (or approximately $400 billion) goes to policies that reduce private-sector employment.
  • $135 million for the National Endowment for the Arts.
  • $135 million for the National Endowment for the Humanities.
  • $200 million for the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
  • $12 billion for foreign aid. 
  • Here is the second half of the breakdown, which lists the small percentage of the $1.9 trillion bill that is actually spent this year:
  • Five percent ($6 billion) of the $130 billion set aside for K-12 schools.
  • Five percent ($250 million) of the $5 billion for Emergency Housing Vouchers.
  • Seventeen percent ($7 billion) of the $39 billion for child care.
  • Twenty-three percent ($11 billion) of the $50 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
  • None of the $5 billion for homeless assistance.
  •  if it doesn’t need to be spent this year, then how can it possibly be an emergency t

Source 100percentfedup.com

The government has spent nearly 6 TRILLION dollars in virus “relief” Divide that by 330,000,000 Americans, it comes out to a cost of roughly $18,000 each But you *maybe* got $3,200 of that back.


Democratic Arizona Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick says she won’t seek reelection

  • Arizona Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D) on Friday said that she will not seek a sixth term in office, saying she wanted to term-limit herself and spend more time with family.

Source: thehill.com

DHS Chief Orders FEMA to Address Border Crisis Created by Joe Biden’s Disastrous Policies

  • DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas deployed FEMA to the Southwest border to help with the surge of unaccompanied minors thanks to Joe Biden’s disastrous immigration policies.
  • Joe Biden reversed Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy, promised amnesty, and allowed unaccompanied migrant children into the US which caused a surge of illegal border crossings in the last several weeks.
  • A South Texas migrant facility is now at 729% of its legal capacity and the unaccompanied children are going hungry and only showering once a week.
  • According to reports, nearly 4,000 unaccompanied migrant children and teens are being held in CBP detention centers.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Kerry Says US Has ‘To Make Up For An Inexcusable Absence’ On Climate Change 

  • Climate czar John Kerry said that the U.S. has “to make up for an inexcusable absence” on climate change during an interview with France 24.
  • Kerry said
  • “The scientists told us three years ago we had 12 years to avert the worst consequences of climate crisis. We are now three years gone, so we have nine years left,” 

Source: dailycaller.com

Nolte: NY Times Spread Fake News that East Coast Beaches Would Be ‘Gone’ by 2020 

  • “[M]ost of the beaches on the East Coast of the United States would be gone in 25 years,” the fake New York Times told the world 25 years ago, all the way back in 1995.
  • Fact check: It’s 2021 and America’s East Coast beaches are doing just fine!
  • So here we are 25 full years later, a whole quarter of a century later, and the first prediction from these unnamed “experts” has not even come close to occurring, so why should we believe the dire predictions about the year 2100?
  • We shouldn’t.
  • Source: breitbart.com
  • Here’s the relevant portion from the original Times’ article:

Rep. Bob Good: Democrat Gun Control Creates ‘De Facto Gun Registry’ 

  • Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) is warning that Democrats’ universal background check legislation creates a “de facto gun registry” in America.
  • Rep. Good warns that this involves government in all gun sales, thereby creating a paper trail that will serve as a registry.

Source: breitbart.com

Ban on 205 Different ‘Assault Weapons’ Introduced by Sen. Feinstein

  • Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) on introduced a ban on more than 200 “assault weapons” after the House passed two gun-control measures pertaining to background checks.
  • Her bill (pdf), called the “Assault Weapons Ban of 2021,” is co-sponsored by 34 Senate Democrats and would ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds—similar to the bans on magazines in New York state and California.
  • According to the legislation, which was also introduced in the House by Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.), the ban would encompass more than 205 rifles. Feinstein’s bill would allow current owners of the guns to retain possession of them. If that gun is transferred, a person has to undergo an FBI background check before getting the firearm.
  • The bill also bans any weapon that has the capacity to use a magazine that isn’t a fixed ammunition magazine and has one or more characteristics such as a pistol grip, forward grip, a threaded barrel, a folding or telescoping stock, or a barrel shroud.

Source: theepochtimes.com

Dr. Deborah Birx Left Biden Administration This Week, Got New Job With Anti-Covid Air Purifier Company 

  • Former Trump Coronavirus Task Force coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx has left government service and taken a job with a company that makes air purifiers it says clean air and surfaces of COVID-19.
  • Dr. Birx, last seen not being offered a job in the Biden administration while Dr. Anthony Fauci was being retained, will be taking a senior position with ActivePure. From Reuters:
  • Source:  mediaite.com

Newsom admits mistakes in handling of pandemic, knocks recall effort

  • California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) said in a new interview that he regrets mistakes he made in handling the state’s response to the coronavirus outbreak over the last year. But the embattled governor rejected a petition to recall him from office, an effort that had earned more than 2 million signatures from residents as of last week.

Source: sott.net

National Park Service Denies South Dakota’s Request For July 4th Fireworks Over Mount Rushmore

  • The National Park Service (NPS) denied South Dakota’s request to hold a fireworks display at Mount Rushmore on the Fourth of July
  • The denial comes as a reversal from last year’s events, when former President Donald Trump spoke at the national monument.
  • “Potential risks to the park itself and to the health and safety of employees and visitors associated with the fireworks demonstration continue to be a concern and are still being evaluated as a result of the 2020 event,” NPS Regional Director Herbert Frost wrote in a letter to the state, according to The Hill. “In addition, the park’s many tribal partners expressly oppose fireworks at the Memorial.”
  • Source: dailycaller.com

National Guard Association Disagrees with Defense Secretary’s Order to Occupy Capitol

  • The chairman of the National Guard Association, representing more than 450,000 citizen soldiers, says it is time for the Capitol Police to resume responsibility for the safety of the Capitol, agreeing with Daniel Hokanson, the National Guard bureau chief general, who Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin overruled
  • According to a report, the National Guard Association Chairman and Arizona Adjunct General, Major General Michael McGuire, said, “This 

Source: breitbart.com

Trump Makes Surprise Appearance at Dog Rescue Fundraiser
● President Donald Trump made an unannounced visit to a dog rescue fundraiser in Palm Beach on Friday.
● “I didn’t exactly prepare for this, but I was walking and I hear everybody screaming and I said, wow what’s going on,” Trump said.
● The former president, wearing a white polo shirt and a red “Make America Great Again” cap, praised the non-profit, Big Dog Ranch Rescue, for doing “important” work.
● “We had many meetings at the White House and the Oval Office having to do with saving and helping dogs,” Trump said. “I just want to thank you. I hope you’re having a good time.” FREAKINDOGRESCUE!!
Dogs that have turned… love dog comms


By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

1 comment

  1. Thanks for your notes. I need to start looking before I listen to it, I make notes and send out to several a night, need to start using yours lol

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