You feelin’ lucky, CNN?

Quote from Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s 1974 Essay, “Live Not by Lies”:

“Yes, at first it will not be fair. Someone will have to temporarily lose his job. For the young who seek to live by truth, this will at first severely complicate life, for their tests and quizzes, too, are stuffed with lies, and so choices will have to be made.

But there is no loophole left for anyone who seeks to be honest: Not even for a day, not even in the safest technical occupations can he avoid even a single one of the listed choices—to be made in favor of either truth or lies, in favor of spiritual independence or spiritual servility.

And as for him who lacks the courage to defend even his own soul: Let him not brag of his progressive views, boast of his status as an academician or a recognized artist, a distinguished citizen or general. Let him say to himself plainly: I am cattle, I am a coward, I seek only warmth and to eat my fill.”

“Next week you’ll see why 2021 won’t be like 1984.” – James O’Keefe, PROJECT VERITAS

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

1 comment

  1. James O’Keefe deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. The truths he is exposing is EXACTLY what people need to see. His expose is helping my daughter to see the ugly truth of the media. She thought I was insane when I told her the media are soldiers in this digital war. Project Veritas is helping me show her how we have been conned. Our minds have been the battle field and the enemy WAS winning. I wish I could make this guy a good dinner and hug his neck. I really hope he has good protection because the truths he is exposing are surely putting a target on his back.

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