Happy Birthday President DJT!

How appropriate! FLAG DAY USA!!!

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. We are so Blessed to have our amazing President Trump fighting this Battle of Good versus Evil, a war of Biblical proportions and of Biblical substance. Remember to pray for him and his entire family and group of Patriot warriors every day from today forward. Already we have lost 2 stellar Patriots, neither of which are suicides, even though the Media will report them as such. These two people did not reach the end of their lives; they were shoved into that. We all know who is behind these heinous crimes.
    I am advising myself to get ready for the possibility of some horrific events over the next several months, and the bad news is already beginning. Supplies for emergencies, CASH for the same reason, small bills, and lots of them….pet food, and people food… others may not be as ready as we are. We could be without power, internet, gas, foods and water. Hard to imagine that coming up all at the same time. Take good care of yourselves and each other! We Will Get Through This! The accomplishments of President Trump over the past year are more than amazing! He has single handedly roped and tied many heads of State, and packaged up tons of evidence on hundreds on so many criminals! God is on our side, and will pull us through

    Happy Birthday to President Trump!!! He is looking Great Again, with lots of confidence and big smiles! Lady Melania is looking gorgeous as always! Stay safe, Prayerful, and stay Happy! God Bless all of you, and God Bless our Great Country and all of the Trump Family, Lin Wood, Mike Lindell, Gen. Flynn, Rudy Guiliani, Dave, of course! MTG, Bannon, Wendy Rogers, Gov. DeSantis, Andrea, our RadioPatriot in American Spirit who never sleeps, and so many more I know I have not listed near as many as I need to. It is Time to raise our Flags and prepare to Celebrate!

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