“There will be NO mandatory Vaccinations of My Marines”

Marines Rebuke Def. Sec.: “No Mandatory Vaccinations for My Marines.”

By: Michael Baxter, August 10, 2021

Marine Corps General David H. Berger on Monday rebuked Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s edict requiring all Armed Forces personnel to submit to Covid-19 vaccinations under threat of court martial or discharge, said a source in Gen. Berger’s office who overheard a heated conversation between them.

Gen. Berger telephoned the defense secretary minutes after he said in a press conference that the Covid-19 vaccination is needed to maintain military readiness and that he would enforce the mandatary vaccination policy regardless of FDA approval status.

“There will be no mandatory vaccinations for my Marines,” Gen. Berger said.

In a transcript of the call reviewed by Real Raw News, Gen. Berger lambasted Austin and branded him a traitor.

“Under no circumstances will Marines be compelled to take a potentially hazardous vaccination that the FDA won’t even fully endorse,” Gen. Berger told Austin. “You are a coward and a traitor, manipulated by people pushing bad policy on the men and women who provide security to our nation. Neither you nor your puppet president has authority to enforce such a policy.”

Austin argued that mandatory vaccinations have always been a requirement for soldiers enlisting into the Armed Forces, and they, as property of the U.S. government, have no right to decide whether to take the Covid-19 jab. The federal government and President Biden would decide for them, Austin said.

“They’re incapable of making informed decisions. So we, their leaders, make the big decisions they cannot,” Austin said. “Biden and Harris are in charge, not individual soldiers.”

Then Austin got political: “If conservatives and evangelicals see our fighting forces getting vaccinated, they’ll be more likely to get vaccinated themselves,” Austin said.

Gen. Berger said it was unfair to compare established vaccinations with a product that was rushed to market with little concern for side effects. He called the CDC and Dr. Fauci corrupt, and he asked Austin why the puppet administration hid from the public an NIH report linking the vaccination to thousands of fatalities.

“If someone dies, you say it was Covid-19. There’s a refusal to admit the vaccination carries side effects that can include death in certain individuals.”

“I’m not a physician. I’m the Secretary of Defense for Joseph R. Biden, and I follow orders,” Austin retorted.

“In case you haven’t heard, Biden’s not in charge of the military, and neither are you. You can sell whatever lies you want to the media. You sold your soul, Lloyd, and I hope you can live with yourself,” Gen. Berger said.

Gen. Berger said he had the support of other Joint Chiefs of Staff and would implore them to ignore unlawful orders coming from the illegitimate administration.

“If a soldier wants the vaccination, fine. If not, he’s not rolling up his sleeve. If you try to forcibly vaccinate even one of my Marines, you better come armed,” Gen. Berger said, and hung up the phone.

In a statement Monday afternoon, Biden said he strongly supports Austin’s message and that he is “eager to see” the Covid-19 vaccination added to the battery of vaccinations soldiers receive upon joining the military.

Article published at https://gellerreport.com/2021/08/marines-rebuke-defense-secretary-no-mandatory-vaccinations-for-my-marines.html/

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Wish it were true. Real Raw News is not a reliable source of information. Look over their previous articles.

  2. Even more so than troops of the other Services, every Marine is VERY cognizant of the chain of command. It takes a LOT to push the buttons and cause a Marine to dare to “roll s–t uphill”. But, once those buttons have been pushed, rest assured that no Marine will quit until that big ball of s–t is firmly planted at the top of the hill and the surrounding area has been secured with maximum force.

    When I was stationed in Korea, there was a large-scale, joint-service exercise. (We had several, and so I don’t remember which one.) There was a platoon of Marine Corps infantry at formation. I watched (with considerable glee) as a USMC Master Gunnery Sergeant used a bullhorn to cuss-out a greenhorn second lieutenant (in front of the formation!). The gunny taught the louie exactly WHO was really in charge around there. (Apparently, the LT had done something stupid just before I came upon the situation. I don’t know what lit the gunny’s fuse, but rank was no longer a concern.)

    It seems to me that General Berger’s remarks carried a hint of “Trump is still the one REALLY in charge of the military”, and nothing that Sec. Austin said refuted that assertion. I found Austin’s silence on that matter quite interesting.

  3. Please stop citing Real Raw News as a “news” site. It is all pure hopium click bait. I’m all for a good hit of hopium from time to time, but there has to be _some_ grounding in reality. General Berger has already tweeted a retort of sorts, with a photo of him getting the jab.

      1. RealRawNews’ own description- taken from their homepage:
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