Our US Marines & a Navy Medic are now among God’s avenging angels.

13 US military killed after Kabul Airport bombing, with 60 Afghans also killed

There are a handful of cases in scripture that show angels carrying out the judgment of God upon humanity through violence.

In some cases, that judgment is death.

Angels are capable of incredible destruction, and can destroy a city with a mere gesture of the hand, as we can see in 2 Samuel 24:16. And because they are spiritual beings, once sent on their mission, they cannot be stopped by any human means.

These angelic attacks are reminders of God’s sovereign power, as well as the lengths He will go to in order to protect and guide humanity.


By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

1 comment

  1. My heart is broken over the loss of our Great young Warrior Heroes who were protecting the weak, and innocent aomng us, whether Amereicans or Afghanis. What a tragedy and life changing , never ending Sorrow for the Families of our Honoored Warriors, strong and resolute in doing their Best and Highest, now they have given their Lives, the Highest Sacrifice.

    The rest of their potential will never be seen or shared, the light of love in their eyes will never be met by their parents, wives or children, friends and acquaintences who all knew them and will Never Forget Them as integral parts of their living families.

    Why did God’s Angels complete this work that day? Because of the EVIL in our Land, the refusal to Change the Ways of Evil, because we are living by an Honorable set of Rules, all man-made that look good on paper but do not remove any Evil?. Does there come a time when fighting EVIL, that our “man-made rules” become obsolete, when we must take a different course, a stronger method of dealing with true EVIL? God helped his People many times in thier battles with EVIL nations, as told in the Bible. Will God continue to help His People of the United States now and in the future?

    Should we all stop to think about what could possibly cause God to draw a line in the sand, to keep God from assisting the US in our fight against evil? Have we kept our bargain with God’s Word?

    Have WE THE PEOPLE actively REMOVED the EVIL that lives among us? I know many of us think on these things often and wonder how and when we can change these rules, the people, the events, the organizations, the criminals, the killers, who are draining the Joy of God’s Love and Protection from our entire Nation, which provides the ability for us to live Godly lives, and to do Godly things in our lives, to enjoy the Promises of God .

    Are we now seeing the anger of God being played out against us now, because we are still living by a “man-made rules” that are not working for us, but against us? Are our ‘rules’ killling us? Are our ‘laws’ causing us unecessary deaths, unfair practices ending lives before they even begin, and allowing the EVIL among us to become our Masters? Have we waited too long to fight against these rules? Should we continue to ‘do the right thing by our man-made rules’ and follow the ‘correct way’ to the fdeath of our Nation? What is going to end this “method of retaliation” that is Not Working but also seems to have “No Alternative Method” in place to keep us all from ruination and death? Is this ‘plan’ really God’s plan? What does God say about this ‘plan’ and what does He say we should do to save ourselves and our Nation?

    I believe that God has told us many times to Change our Ungodly ways, Rid our Naiton of the inhumane practice of Killing the Unborn, end the worldwide practice of Child Sexual Abuse and other systemic abuses of many people, but our ‘man-made laws’ are not helping to change those practices and probably never will because they have been set up under the Protection of Evil. Does this mean we will not win out over Evil, because we are not obeying God’s warnings?
    Food for thought.

    I am sad to even say these words, to give us even more terrible things to think about. Richard Palmer of “The Philadelphia Trumpet” writes “When mankind is willing to listen, God will show the world the way to peace. He will give us spiritual answrs to our problems and the will to provide the crucial component that is so conspicuously absent from intelligent life here on Earth: His Holy Spirit”. (1 Corinthians 2:11-14

    Note: Richard Palmer’s words are presented in an amazing article by him titled “Intelligence Can’t Solve Man’s Problems”, from “The Philadelphia Trumpet” May-June 2021 issue which can be viewed online at http://www.the Trumpet.com/library

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