The fur is flying -> MTG takes on Lin Wood

This evening Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) posted this on her Telegram page:

“I’ve told everyone what a horrible person Lin Wood is and if you watched Tucker Carlson tonight then you heard from Kyle Rittenhouse one of the reasons why I think so.

Lin keeping Kyle in jail instead of bailing him out with ALL that money donated FOR Kyle is absolutely evil.

Lin should go to jail for what he did to Kyle.

I also fully blame him for why Georgia lost our Senate seats.

He’s from Georgia and we know him as a life long Democrat not a Republican.

He grifted off of Trump & told people not to vote on Jan 5th saying their vote would be stolen.”

However, David Clements of “The Professor’s Record” (telegram), had plenty to say about Tucker Carlson AND vociferously defended Lin Wood:

“The Professor stands with Lin Wood.
No one in the patriot movement, myself included, has endured more attacks from the enemy than Lin Wood. Lin Wood is a fearless truth teller who is unashamedly devoted to Jesus Christ. My heart grieves at what he has had to endure. The enemy has tried to take everything from him. Lin is not alone. He has devoted himself to “We the People.” The devil is feverishly trying to remove him from the battlefield. Please tell everyone on your respective channels, in the comments section, that you stand with Lin. Lin will never quit. Neither will I. Your righteously pissed off unemployed traveling audit salesman.”

“Just FYI, my statement concerning Kyle Rittenhouse’s allegations against Lin Wood: I believe what Kyle said to Tucker about as much as I believe there’s a man in the moon! 🙄 Kyle is a young man that has been traumatized to no end and is being lied to and used by less than honorable characters to throw shade on Lin! I know @linwoodspeakstruth on a personal level and I can promise you that did not happen. And I’d be willing to bet that Lin’s got the receipts to prove it! Don’t be so quick to crucify someone till you have all the facts! Have we not, as Americans, learned this lesson before??”

“Tucker Carlson was already on my shit list. But his coordinated hit interview on Lin Wood with Rittenhouse’s handlers is confirmation that he’s no friend of “We the People.” Silent on election theft for an entire year? Don’t sell me on the virtues of Tucker Carlson.”

QAnon John (Telegram) echoed those sentiments with this post: “I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say I think it’s VERY possible Kyle Rittenhouse now has handlers now coaching him on what to say…I could be wrong, but this would NOT surprise me. Very unfortunate. Also, I know Lin Wood and what he is saying about Lin does NOT line up with his character. At all. It didn’t take much to see that Tucker interview was OFF, at the very least if not totally scripted… All I’m going to say is as of right now, until EVIDENCE could prove otherwise, which I find unlikely…Lin was already able to provide receipts. I STAND WITH MY FRIEND LIN WOOD.”

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. I watched Carlson show this evening. I’ve followed Lin for some time and I was aware of his strong conflict with Pierce after the money was raised. According to Lin (from what I remember), Pierce had or took control of the money and wouldn’t release control of the money, somewhere above $1 million. I’m not driven to know the details but before I pass any kind of judgement of Lin I’ll have to know the details, and I doubt that’s something I’ll never know or at least in the foreseeable future.

    There is the point that he’s a strong, faithful Christian. That’s not what I look for in forming an opinion. A persons’ actions are what show me who a person is. To me he has been another man trying to survive, have a family and have a good life, which isn’t uncommon. Remember Jerry Falwell ‘was a good Christian’.

    I’m very disappointed in Carlson. Keep in mind who owns Fox. Ol’ Rupert may have some restrictions on Carlsons’ topics and I’d wager the issue of election fraud is a line he isn’t allowed to cross. But … the targeting of Lin the way he did, out of the blue when there are so many other actors involved with the Rittenhouse travesty that would have been much, much more appropriate, legitimate, deserving targets which there is no shortage of, didn’t make sense to me. It was off. My money is on he (Carlson) was told to do it.

    MTG and Lin have been going at each others’ throats quite heavily all year. Since I don’t – can’t – spend all of my time focused on one subject, as solely in the chaos of the Georgia political arena, I haven’t kept current with the details. She doesn’t seem to have any fear of taking on anyone – she takes on the queen witch of the House quite often, along with the screechers in the Squad.

    Maybe we’ll be enlightened when this horrible war is over. With the Maxwell case winding up to begin and the Durham indictments (something like 20,000) finally starting to head to court there is a massive amount of activity coming up real soon.

    Bottom line: all of these events are important and being aware about them have merit, but the *most critical*, *most important*, are having forensic audits in ALL. 50. STATES.

    Don’t fall for the cabals’ misdirection. Focus on the forensic audits. If that doesn’t happen before the next election … then all of our fighting will be for naught. If they have the slightest opportunity to cheat and they will, we’re not taking back the House or Senate.

    Think deeply about that.

    Now go to war.

  2. Much more light will be shed on this subject. Something is so wrong with this. Truth will come out. I trust Lin Wood to always do the right thing. This is hard to listen to; something is missing or misunderstood. Very important that we get more light on this. It sounds horrible.

  3. Lin Wood supported Democrats. That sounds shocking until you take a close look at Republicans. Republicans love for Democrats to lead so they, the Republicans, can vote against them knowing there are not enough votes to defeat the Dems. So, The Rs get political cover and can tap into all that great Patriot money. All those small, onsey twosey donations that pile up like snow against the garage door. The Rs can claim all sorts of patriotic stuff and fein righteous indignation. Go on TV like Trey Goudie and spout off all sorts of stuff but do absolutely nothing. And, and if there is a time where their vote matters…they always find an excuse to vote with the Ds. Then they blame it on Staff!

    Bottomline: I’ll stick with Lin Wood until MTG actually accomplishes something.

  4. Lin Wood is the only one, thus far (besides Trump) that has kicked MSM in the teeth via Nicholas Sandman’s deformation case. Personally, I was horrified to read MTG’s tweet … but moreover, it was not tweeted on MTG’s official twitter account. (head scratcher)

  5. This is why it is so difficult to move ahead. You wonder who you can trust. We know that the Patriot Mvmt. in all of it’s iterations has suffered infiltrators. Posing as friends, they stab in the back at the time to do the most damage.

    These are dangerous times. I am not being negative. I am positive that these are dangerous times.

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