Fauci, Dead Orphans, and Grotesque Experiments

RFK Jr.: Reporter Found Monument TO Dead Orphans Tortured AND Killed by Monster Fauci (VIDEO)

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. joined The High Wire recently to discuss his best-selling book on monster Dr. Tony Fauci.

During the discussion, RFK Jr. revealed that reporter Cecelia Farber went to the cemetery in New York state where the tortured orphan children were buried.

These Victims Were Fauci’s Experimental Patients! Via GETTR.

The Gateway Pundit Reported Earlier on this Monument and Cemetery in New York State

Fauci Has a Long History of Mass Death, Barbarism AND Lies

In 2004 Dr. Fauci’s NIH Was Also Caught Funding Experiments on AIDS Orphans at a New York City hospital. The Gateway Pundit Reported on This Dark Fauci Chapter in October.

The Fauci NIH Approved experiments on hundreds of New York City orphans.  Government agencies and pharmaceutical companies used the orphans in deadly AIDS drug trials.

In 2005, the city of New York hired the VERA Institute to form a final report on the drug trials. VERA was given no access to medical records for any of the children used in trials. Their report was published in 2008.

They reported that twenty-five children died during the drug studies, that an additional fifty-five children died following the studies (in foster care), and, according to Tim Ross, Director of the Child Welfare program at VERA (as of 2009), 29% of the remaining 417 children who were used in drug studies had died (out of a total 532 children that are admitted to have been used). [LINK]

The WIKIPEDIA writers cover up all details, as is expected.

No payment or compensation has been paid to any of the children used in the trials, or to their families.
A hospital nurse later spoke out to reporters about the testing. She reported that children would immediately get sick, break out or throw up during the testing.
They were orphans at the Incarnation Children’s Center in New York City.

ICC interview with Lizz Brown and Mimi Pascual

10 years ago, in 2003, 04, 05, I was investigating this story. Children in an NYC orphanage (and the foster care system) used in clinical trials. The Associated Press took it national and found it going on in seven or more states. “Some states declined to participate in medical experiments. Tennessee said its foster care rules generally prohibit enlisting children in such trials. California requires a judge’s order. And Wisconsin “has absolutely never allowed, nor would we even consider, any clinical experiments with the children in our foster care system,” spokeswoman Stephanie Marquis said. Officials estimated that 5 percent to 10 percent of the 13,878 children enrolled in pediatric AIDS studies funded by NIH since the late 1980s were in foster care. More than two dozen Illinois foster children remain in studies today. ” No medical records were ever made available to official investigators. You make up your own mind. http://www.ahrp.org/infomail/05/05/04…

On Tuesday The Gateway Pundit reported on Dr. Fauci’s Torture and Medical Murder of at least 85 orphan minority children in New York, children who were vulnerable, could not consent, and who would not be missed.

Ann Rosen at LifeSiteNews wrote a good recap of Fauci’s crimes against children earlier this month.

These children were buried in mass graves at the Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Hawthorne, NY in Westchester County and otherwise forgotten.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says that Anthony Fauci is America’s Joseph Mengele for what he did to poor orphan minority kids in the 1980’s.

These extreme claims are the subject of A New Book by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Called “The Real Anthony Fauci.” In Chapter 7, the Kennedy heir lays out “NIAID’s Barbaric and Illegal Experiments on Children”

Kennedy refers to Fauci as America’s ‘homegrown Mengele.’

An excerpt below from Kennedy’s explosive book describing Fauci’s medical experiments on children:

Robert Kennedy Sat for An Interview TPast Month to Journalist James Corbett Where He Laid Out Some Key Arguments from The Book and Specifically Explained The Facts on Fauci’s Illegal Testing on Orphan Children:

  • Fauci tested harsh chemotherapy drugs on orphan children in order to determine its use for AIDS treatments in the 1980s
  • Fauci got control of foster homes in 7 states
  • Children were tortured to death
  • Children were denied guardians and any kind of legal protector
  • Children who refused to take Fauci’s drugs had feeding tubes installed so drug companies could administer the drugs even when the kids fought back
  • Most of the children did not have HIV/AIDS, they were just used as guinea pigs to see if they could survive the harsh drug regimen
  • At least 85 kids died as part of these experiments

The graveyard where these children were thrown into a pit, filled with hundreds of coffins sometimes stuffed with multiple children, is buried under an astroturf pit in New York. These are the victims of Fauci’s crimes, says Kennedy.

The Gateway Pundit was able to locate this memorial to the orphan children killed by Dr. Fauci and the NIH in New York State.

The orphans are not forgotten.   There are toys and flowers left at the memorial.

The names of the orphans are listed on the memorial wall.

And an angel holds a stuffed Teddy Bear.

These photos were taken from Google maps

What a sad chapter for America!

How grotesque that the people behind this were working in our government. How terrifying that the doctor who approved this is still in charge at the NIH.

Comments!Fauci is Mengele 2.0.

Where is the NYS AG ? These deaths were genocide, most of the children murdered were minorities. Black AG ignores the murders by Fauci and friends while AG spends years and millions investigating President Donald Trump and his company.

From another older report. Eyewitness of grave site “over 100 small plain wood coffins. Many with more than one body.”

Fauci and Big Pharma are evil !Typhon10h

29% of the remaining 417 children who were used in drug studies had died (out of a total 532 children that are admitted to have been used). [LINK]

The link leads nowhere. Scheff’s website is gone.IllegalMandatesareUnAmericanTyphon10h

Some of the children were taken from parents on welfare.

In the trial, and there will be one against the monster, I hope that RFK jr. will be called in as a witness for the prosecution of Fauci. And Fauci will serve life or death penalty.

God Bless

RFK, jr.
I think the comparison to Mengele is accurate…nothing will ever happen to the little demon…unless his car breaks down at night in rural America.

If this story is factually and contextually accurate and true, Fauci indeed qualifies as a serial killer, and thoroughly evil as well. He needs to meet Jesus, in a hurry. In person

Jesus ?? the animal has met satan obviously, and prefers satan !

You are correct. Fraudci needs to go straight to hell.

I bet Fauci’s treatment of dogs gets more media attention than this does.
I guess these black lives didn’t matter!

All the people we thought we could trust are really our worst enemies. They are biden, obama, soros, gates, zuckerburg and many others, all working to destroy America because they are doing business with the CCP and getting richer.

Fauci is supposed to be a government regulator, keeping the drug companies in line. But what it seems more like is that Fauci is a representative of the drug companies working within the federal government. The revolving door between the FDA and drug manufacturers has been a known problem, but with Fauci we see that even lifelong government employees can become corrupt and lose sight of what their responsibilities are. It seems like the drug companies have corrupted most of our government since no one is speaking up as they force a dangerous and ineffective vaccine on us.

This is all part of the UN Agenda 21 globalist plot to depopulate the Earth and reduce the human population by 90%.

The vaccines are just the beginning
Many of the orphans did not have AIDs HIV. They were just human guinea pigs.

The left will protect The Evil Dwarf no matter what

From an older report : Most of the children were Black, Hispanic and poor, often born to drug-addicted mothers.

Further an eyewitness of the burial site said there was 100 small plain wood coffins. Many with more than one child in it.
No DOJ investigations?? Merrick Garland “where are you?”

And the govt wants us to believe him! HaHaHa! Do they think we’re crazy? I don’t know about anyone else but I’m not going to be part of his largest clinical trial on earth. Call me when the jab is declared safe after decades of use. 

Actually, we are playing an important part in the largest clinical trial on earth; to their chagrin, we persist as the control group.

Fauci, the new Angel of Death, should go into self-exile because he will be a hunted man for the rest of his miserable, evil life.

In the minds of the eugenics proponents, these orphans are the dregs of society, and are expendable. Just like the elderly and sickly that they euthanized, to make the “virus” appear to be a killer, in order to lock down the globe.

Thank you for calling out the eugenicists. We need to remember that these arrogant science-worshipers MUST be silenced. My heart doesn’t bleed much, but it does for these children, these valuable tortured souls. At least they’re in a better place now … that’s the only positive outcome I can point to.

I don’t get emotional in general, but to torture these kids, is horrendous.

Remember what Gov Blackface Northam said sbout letting the doctor and mother decide what to do with a child who is born after trying to abort him or her? Make the baby comfortable then kill him.

What is not known is that Northam has been the medical director of a pediatric hospice for many years. I wonder now whether he consulted with parents about letting babies or children die because of disabilities like Downs? Weeding out the undesirables and physically challenged is uniquely a leftist/socialist/nazi policy.

Fauci and Northam and the rest of these demons are pure evil.

This breaks my heart. These poor children never had a chance with Fauci at the helm. He used them like lab rats. Fauci is a monster and deserves the harshest punishment.

RIP Dear Children

I’m not disputing that Fuci needs to be dealt with for his modern day corruption and lying. But I have to research this article more. If i remember correctly (slipping) these children were all wards of the state at the time and during this outbreak of new death it was conceived that these children were already on a death watch to begin with and it was worth a chance in the Medical field. I can’t remember who in state authority went along with plan with the NIH and CDC. Also some of the biggest Hospitals were involved in researching this also across the nation.

Being wards of the state does not give the “state” Cart Blanche authority to treat them as anything less than a human being. Laws prohibit treatment of animals the way these poor children were treated. Furthermore, no one has the authority to “conceive” they are on a death watch unless they are not being treated prop to begin with.


FAUCI is a FRAUD covered up by the FAKE MSM

Our tax dollars were used for THIS!?YES!
Fauci was the kind of kid who pulled the wings off butterflies and dripped burning plastic toy army men on ants. And who got tormented and bullied by other boys for being a mama’s boy runt. That kind makes the very worst “adult” when they get a little power and control. The psychiatric term is sociopath. With no moral compass and devoid of empathy for the suffering of animals or humans.

It’s amazing how the people who own and work at all the news agencies have completely lost their humanity that they will not report on this. They are also Mengeles.

The Nazies had Josef Mengele, we have Anthony Fauci.

I think it’s more that most leftists refuse to believe any of it’s true.

They believe what the overlords of their “side” say and will fact check nothing.

Many still think Republicans formed or are the KKK. A perfect example of something obviously proven what’s true that they will only stick to what they’re told.
How was this allowed and why isn’t Fauci and all those involved not tried for murder and crimes against humanity?

Because America’s government has long been deeply corrupt and Fauci has been funded by it.
Everyone Knows It’s Trumps Fault!

The NY Hospital has to be held accountable. Some of the experiments were taking place there.

Fauci is a megalomaniac who is both evil and tyrannical. He must be held to account for his crimes against humanity. Millions dead and billions more suffering as a result of his direct actions. Capital punishment and an eternity rotting in hell will never erase the pain and suffering this man has unleashed on this earth.
I believe Fauci is a toxic narcissist incapable of empathy which makes him a sociopath.

Psychopath, as well. I believe he is more than disconnected to other’s suffering.

I think he actually enjoys the God like feeling of inflicting the suffering.
He also enjoys being the center of attention and Bobby Kennedy is certainly giving it to him! Kennedy pointed out that he is a personal injury attorney. He isn’t anti-vaccine, he’s for SAFE vaccines and medications. When medications cause harm, they can be sued. Big Pharma knows it can’t be held liable for the damage they’re causing with these vaccines which is why they are doing it.

First Beagles, Now Orphans.

Remember; Dr. Falsi says ” I am the Science !” like he is a god ?

He wants to Lock you down and then have his Staff hold you down; while they give you two Shots and an Extra Booster Shot !
Margarete Sanger was as evil as Fauci is now.

True! There have been a bunch of truly evil people throughout history! The evils we see today differ from the past only in that there are a whole lot more people that can be affected now.

When products are marketed as not being tested on animals, that means they are being tested on humans.

Liberals don’t care about human life. But they hear a drug is being tested on a rabbit…..Holy Christ they lose their freaking minds.

What the hell is wrong with RFK Jr’s voice? He sounds like Kate Hepburn. Was he a smoker?He has a medical condition. I think Rose Kennedy had the same thing.
I read that he has a rare disorder of the voice box.

Biden Admin and the main stream media will continue to worship at the feet of Fauci. Guaranteed!!!!

I wonder why our world leaders didn’t shut everything down during the AIDs pandemic? I mean, that was an actual pandemic where millions were sick and dying horrible deaths – mostly Africans, drug addicts, children and gay men – Knowing what we know about Fauci today, I would really be interested in EXACTLY how this virus got out and more importantly WHY – or are we still going with a monkey? Now, the mere mention of Fauci’s name should warrant a deeper investigation.

If you look at Hawthorn, NY and at the cemetery (run by the Catholic Diocese of NY and Columbia College) there is a Hawthorne Foundation adjacent, which is a place for kids with autism and special needs. The whole thing is like a bad movie. And if you google Incarnation Children’s Center, you can find a paper that explains how a journalist tried to expose the whole thing way back in 2004 and was DISCREDITED by NIH (FAUCI) in the mainstream media.

Fauci has done all of this before, just on a smaller scale. And when he was successful (because children have traditionally been overlooked and abused in our system) he became emboldened to join in his latest conspiracy against the world.

If you walk like a mad scientist and talk like a mad scientist, well, I’m going to say… you’re a mad scientist. Mengele. Fauci. Let’s bring this man to justice, anyone.
Fauci wasn’t expecting a Democrat like Robert Kennedy to expose his swamp creature habits.
Never been a fan of the Kennedys before, but I have to say Robert is causing me to take a second look at them. Fortunately, he has the Kennedy name to back him up and that’s the kind of leadership we need… because the Swamp will destroy people who don’t have that kind of money, name or power.

Where is Fauci’s defamation lawsuit? Maybe Fauci is having some trouble refuting the evidence?
Truth is a complete defense to such a lawsuit and Fauci knows it. Kennedy’s book is already in its 8th printing. Fauci also suppressed less expensive drug therapies during the AIDS epidemic.

Spread this info about the monster Fauci. Spread it everywhere. Make it so people have to talk about it. This can’t be ignored.

Listening to the woman in the audio talking about torturing these AIDs ravaged poor children, “At first, we thought we were helping them…” How many nurses and doctors will say the same thing about the Covid shots a few years from now, once they discover how many they killed with it.

I thought Black Lives Mattered!    I guess NOT!!!

Hey FBI aren’t crimes of this nature within your Jurisdiction????
The FBI is completely corrupt!!

Fauci gave the Wuhan Virology Institute the knowledge on how to manipulate coronaviruses…. on top of the money the NIH gave.
When are the American people going to tell the Joetard to phcuk off and say,”It is time get back to normal life and live my life the way I did before Covid. If I get Covid I will deal with it. You ain’t going to stop any variant from doing its thing”
Not until they have the entire population Microchiped, so they can track every move we make, and see everything we do.

“How grotesque that the people behind this were working in our government.” Actually,Government is the perfect place for people like Anthony Fauci, Joseph Mengele and Margaret Sanger to thrive. Why else would Fauci not have retired after thirty years or gone into the privet sector where he could have doubled his income?
Believe in God and that these evil-doers will answer to Him.
We can count on that – “Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.” But we’d love to see them properly punished here on earth, too!

Fauci led the effort to suppress HCQ and IVM. That move alone was responsible for 80% of covid deaths.

That move was solely to ensure that the “emergency use” authorization for the vaccine kept its emergency status. If there is a known and effective treatment available there is no legal basis for the emergency authorization and their whole global grifting criminal enterprise falls apart. That they knew there was a treatment and intentionally maligned it for profits is a criminal act in itself and they need to be held accountable for all of the deaths that easily could have been prevented and held accountable to the millions permanently injured as a result of their experimental whatever the elle it is injection.

The fauci virus has murdered more people than Jeseph Mengele did the jews!

Fauci has set a gestapo record!! Fauci your boss george soros head of the American gestapo is very proud of you!Yes … and Fauci suppressed effective therapeutics from being administered.

Fauci should be on trial for violation of the Nuremberg code! He is

directly responsible for the murder of 8 million people worldwide with

the deadly virus he funded the development of through GOF funding!

Gain of function research is bio terrorism disguised as research for the good

of mankind! Creating viruses in the lab that can destroy humanity and

mankind off the face of the earth has devious and nefarious intent. Fauci

is guilty of genocide of 8000 people. He should be on

trial for crimes against humanity. If Fauci were conservative, there would be

ongoing Nuremberg Trials for crimes against Humanity

The Nuremberg Code was enacted in 1947 to avoid a repeat of the heinous

crimes committed by the Nazis and Imperial Japan.—and Fauci is allowed

to create deadly viruses in the lab that can destroy humanity and wipe

mankind off the face of the earth!! Fauci is guilty of genocide and mass

murder for funding the Development of the Fauci/Mengele virus

camouflaged as Gain of Function Research!!
If you read RFK jnr’s book The real Anthony Fauci (Kindle $2.99. Get it while you can since I strongly suspects that Gates and Fauci will put huge pressure on Amazon to yank it) you’ll see that this is just a blip on Fauci and Bill Gates’s screen of testing vaccines on people. They have been doing it for years on people in third world countries. When things start to go south with the vaccine, they just bury the bad news or ignore the control group. They will only share the “good news” and then proceed to vaccinate people on a massive scale. The country’s government then pays for it all and that goes straight to the vaccine company’s bottomline. Bill Gates holds massive blocks of shares in most vaccine manufacturers. Fauci gets paid up to $150 000 per year for every vaccine that he gets through the FDA process. Once this comes out, Fauci will have a hard time explaining his enthusiasm for vaccines. The politicians as usual are either in on it or too clueless to say anything


I’m going to read RFK’s book. From what I understand Fauci is the gatekeeper for big pharma and the MIC’s bio-weapons programs.

The death of a perfectly healthy young 26-year-old man from New Zealand has been directly linked to the Pfizer COVID vaccine, according to local health officials.

NOT Even prime time Democrat LIAR Anthony Fauci is trying to deny it.

The 26-year-old man suffered from myocarditis after taking his first dose of the vaccine. He reported no symptoms prior to the vaccine, and his symptoms of heart inflammation developed in the days immediately following his first shot, the board said on Monday
I have a relative who got the vaccine and two days later became sick, 3 days went to a hospital where he eventually died. This is happening a lot and yet the number of deaths from this vaccine is going unreported,


This is the Tuskegee Airmen experiments all over again. Blacks & minorities are considered worthless beings by the elites, thus their medical experiments are always conducted on them. And puppies…don’t forget that Demon killed puppies just to watch them die, also. And the elites don’t know why black Americans aren’t getting the jab???
The REAL Question why is Fauci in a position of authority in determining what drugs are administered and to whom. Having a history as he does about genocide it makes you wonder if he is not presently executing some hidden agenda using the Covid pandemic as a guise.

Garrity9290Sam Mika8h

i can’t wait to read RFK Jr. book on Fauci. I heard RFK Jr state the other day in an interview that Bill Gates and Fauci met at Gates home around 2000 to discuss vaccinating the world. Gates has stated he makes more money from vaccines with a 20 to 1 return than on other investments. So they have been concocting this evil scheme for a while before implementing it. I think the election of Donald Trump spurred them into action as well as Fauci’s age to get it done before he and many of the other evil Commies in US leadership died.

I was going to purchase Robert KennedyJr. book at Barnes & Nobile Earlier – Got Busy WILL PURCHASE Tomorrow!GiGi

The Corrupt F.B.I. and DOJ will do NOTHING! The Corrupt SCOTUS will do Nothing! No D.A in N.Y. will do anything!

The Media will not report this!

So Dr. Death Fauci continues to kill people Worldwide with the Vaccine Death Shots and ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, MSNBC, and all Social Media Promote Fauci every day!

Just insane!

WE THINK that the Clintons Fauci three letter agencies, FBI, CIA, Big Pharma, CDC, FDA, Epstein and more are separate entities, they are NOT!


This thread seems to be missing Leftist trolls.

I guess not even they can defend this cretin.

Hopefully this monster is tried and convicted for crimes against humanity. Sentenced to death! And Let us know where he is buried that way I can Defecate on his grave.
Never going to happen. He has too much on the elites. This POS will walk free until he takes his last breath. Disgusting!

Rudy Campilii10h

I’ve said it before. Fauci is the highest paid U.S. Government employee for a reason. Let that sink in for a minute.
RoxyRudy Campilii9h

Yep. He LITERALLY knows where the bodies are buried

Why is this little rodent still walking around? He should have been perp walked decades ago.
He’s got too much on the elites – he will never be tried….ever!
This is who libs worship!

Ceri RL. G. Brandon9h

this is why I keep asking conservatives to stop supporting the liberal entertainment industry, cable TV and lying liberal media

The liberal entertainment industry, cable TV, liberal media… have created an artificial culture

anyone old enough to know what America was in the 50s, is observant enough to recognize that the behavior, the values, the standard, the beliefs goals and the failure of responsibility…

sees the percentage of a culture and a population that use the liberal entertainment industry, movies music and television… as the models for who they are today

we went from donna reed, my three sons, father knows best, Gunsmoke, Adam 12

shows liberals will tell you were racist, homophobic, full of hate

to entertainments that were mean, snarky, proud of their criminality their narcissism and their selfishness, destructive and emotionally self-indulgent

the libertainment industry went from television shows movies and entertainment, music… That modeled the higher qualities of western culture… To making low culture and the third world the model for behavior

The women’s movement went from women who wanted the opportunity to have a career, become doctors, compete based on ability for scholarships and promotions

To women who marched in red robes, a costume affection from a television show based on a fictional book, to support political hoaxes in attacks on a president attempting to close the borders to the violent criminal illegals whose motto includes “rape”

ms13 “kill, rape, control”

and Democrats who mindlessly vote for a powerful political female leader who called the MS 13 gang members who beat little high school girls to death (and bragged to friends that they laughed while they did it) “spark of divinity”, encourage antifa and BLM violence, encourage the racism of hating “white” while they ignore the brutality of minority gangs murdering minorities in American cities

And perhaps the problem is that conservatives, just like the liberals they claim to despise, are only comfortable being what their media model for them…

they continue to pour millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars into the liberal entertainment industry, American hating sports and American hating big businesses

we had the greatest opportunity in 2016 to pull the rug out from under the gravy train that feeds the Democrat party, organizations like antifa and BLM, lawyers for open borders, the 1619 project, CRT, whiteness programs

and most conservative saw the hate, the lies, the viciousness, the vitriol pouring out of the liberal entertainment industry, liberal media, cable TV

and continued to write them a check

so we have… What they purchased

every dollar you spend is a vote

It’s just so discouraging that a criminal like this, experimenting on children, ostensibly murdering them in the name of Mengele “Science” is free. It makes me sick that we sit here and nothing happens to him. Hell he hasn’t even been fired!

We are living in a satanic world order of demons in the flesh. They are not human and see all of us an inferior species different from them. Livestock to them. It’s beyond evil.

I remember how the cockroach bungled AIDS and was not held accountable for it. Why is he still in power sitting on his throne at the NIH? This murderer is the equivalent of Joseph Mengele who was not brought to justice on this earth.

Tina Kathleen Pearson10h

And I thought nothing could shock me anymore.

We’re they looking for Meds that would kill gays?

were the tests for AIDS false positives and was the medicine, AZT , what actually killed them?




These parasites always go after the kids that they think nobody cares about. Many of Epstein’s victims were abused and were from homes where parents were on drugs and many from the foster system.

They have been killing the public, experimenting on the public, abusing the public, stealing from the public for decades.

Most of it in the states, allegedly, started with fraudci !

How grotesque that the people behind this were working in our government.

It’s not past tense. These evil people are still working in the government.
It’s been your government doing these things with the help of their “agencies” working on your depopulation while your taxes pay for it.

This is an international effort. We can follow the money and power behind all of this to a collective of central bankers and Royalty across the pond.

Yes it’s definitely global and much is ruled by the crown (like DC and the Bar association) and the WEF, UN, Carlyle group, Soros, blood line families, etc. The tentacles are massive and long reaching.


They’re not even disputing the Pfizer vax took out over 20,000.

Swine flu vaccine was halted after 34 died. Ultimately it ended up being over 50. Kind of a big deal at the time.

Guess life is cheap now.
But the government wants you to be safe and not take the J&J vac.
No, it’s their depopulation plan. It’s just not as effective as they’d hoped hence the booster pushAnd that is why they want you to get the booster shot . When that doesn’t work fast enough it’s time for another booster!

He’s the highest paid federal employee in the country. Goes to show where our government’s priorities are and how evil they have become. And they think they have the moral high ground to wage war on foreign soil and its own citizens.

Shirley Smith10h

If this is true, Fauci will not be suing RFK for exposing these truths!

We The People, everywhere, are the solution to this and we always have been. We forgot our strength in numbers. We have been forced to focus on making money that is worth less and less over time, to buy what we need that is more and more expensive over time, and to pay for government that costs more and more over time, and that forced us to trust evil people in positions of power who exploit our focus on everything but them. We have to use our numbers against them at some point, and they know that day is coming, and they will respond with more murder to defend their power.

Falsely is guilty of Crimes Against Humanity ….

We need a new Tribunal to Prosecute him and Collins and Dazsack, for their roles in creating promoting and profiting off of the Virus….as well as ALL of the Big Pharma Exec’s who have pushed high cost Vaccines down our throats while stifling low cost Therapeutic Treatments resulting in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths.

And I have the perfect location for the Trials…..

Nuremberg, Pennsylvania

Fauci has killed even more kids with his death serum. Women having miscarriages due to vaccine complications. It’s all part of the 6uild 6ack 6etter plan

They always go after the kids they think no one will miss, like Epstein’s victims. They come from mostly home were parents are on drugs.

Lot of missing kids from the ole FJB border surge. Wonder how many are lab rats.

“Kennedy refers to Fauci as America’s ‘homegrown Mengele.”

However grotesque and horrible these deaths are, they will pale in comparison to the millions of deaths Lord Fauchi will be responsible for before he draws his last breath.

IMHO, the most horrible is that Fauci continues to cause misery and death – with impunity. The wheels of justice must be very seriously stuck in a rut.

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist Twitter.com/RadioPatriot * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot

1 comment

  1. Can not wait to see his execution, my hope is it will be very very slow and very very painful. Would love to see all “his” friends holding hands together slowly……..

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