Anti-Javelin Hillary

“Putin and I talked about what’s happening. One day I’ll tell you about it..”

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. Are there any other military veterans or active duty readers of Radio Patriot?
    The Javelins weren’t around when I was in but I’m 100% positive miss Herridge from CBS doesn’t have a forking clue and has a serious problem with grammar. Or knowledge of weapons. Or just doesn’t care about syntax.

    Here, I’ll fix it for her: Javelin anti-tank missile.

    She probably calls an AR-15 an aSsAuLt WeApOn. (Besides the issue that she works for CBS and is a useful idiot left wingnut propagandist she clearly has not done her due diligent research on her subject like what *real journalists* do.)

    Actual assault weapons these days have options to fire in FULL AUTOMATIC mode.

    The AR-15 DOES NOT have an option to fire in automatic. Simple. Easy-peasy.
    (Honest disclosure for non-gun folks: many weapons can be modified to shoot fully automatic, but it’s not an easy process.)

    AR does not stand for ‘assault rifle’. Period. That identifies it as being made by a company called Armalite. Many gun manufacturers use that method in the nomenclature so their product may be easily identified.

    I have no idea how to translate:


    If miss Herridge had done her due diligence she would know the BLACK SEA is utilized heavily for commerce (many freighters and tankers) and also there are multiple countries that have warships on the Black Sea, including us. I’m not up-to-date on international maritime law but I’ll take a swing and say I don’t believe Turkey has the ‘right to close’ the Black Sea to *any* nation.

    That’s almost comical. If Vlad was truly a monster and Turkey told him he couldn’t use the Black Sea I’d look for world maps to be changed because what was previously Turkey would probably be called ‘the wasteland’.

    Andrea, you’ve been a professional journalist – amiright?

    ps. Our President is an unmatched expert in 5D chess. His statement during CPAC regarding Ukraine: “This shouldn’t have happened. It wouldn’t have happened under my watch. It’s a terrible thing. The people of Ukraine are fine people.”

    – He baited the legacy media – they can’t attack him for saying that.
    – He slammed Pedo Joe O’Xiden for his incompetence and cowardice without saying it.
    – It’s his form of propaganda – which he must use – because this is the plan that he, Putin and even possibly Zelensky made for destroying the DoD/Fraud-Xi bio-weapons labs, the Neo-Nazi barracks (which they may have succeeded in doing) and destroying anything related to the WEF and George Soros.


  2. Thank yu for the clarification on so many important points. Herridge and others use
    “non-phrases” and “made-up words” to cloud the issues, just to get an article published. Much of it is made up meaningless garbage, some very old and taken out of context and time Typical DS view, meant to confuse, knowing most will not look anything up or check details.

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