Joe Lange, Late Night Spitballing

Spit Ball 

A war that’s been waged for many generations has taken a turn.

But it’s all connected.

Take a ride on memory lane.

Remember the Cuban missile crisis?

NATO was putting nuclear missiles in Europe as a threat to the Soviet Union.

They were deploying them in the mid 1950’s.

Then the Soviet Union responded by trying to do the same in Cuba.

The Cuban missile crisis.

Stop here.

Understand something very important.

We’ve been lied to our whole lives.

The media has been propaganda and nobody has talked about the hidden enemy controlling governments and starting wars for profit.

The Cold War was a lie.

NATO was set up to keep us in fear to keep the money flowing.

There had to be an enemy.

The same cabal that started the communist revolution in Russia was the same cabal creating fear in the west and painting Russia as an eternal enemy.

Two presidents before Trump saw through that narrative.

JFK and Reagan.

Did you know that during the Cuban missile crisis JFK created a secret back channel communication with the Soviet Union.


Because he realized that the military industrial complex was corrupt and promoting war with Russia.

The CIA was also involved.

Kennedy was vowing to wage war, not on the Soviet Union but on the CIA and military industrial complex.

He was soon assassinated.

Reagan had his whole presidency defined by the Cold War.

He went against his own advisors and told Gorbachev to “tear down this wall”.

That shifted the entire global landscape as the Soviet Union crumbled and our enemy became no more.

What use was NATO now?

There was no more enemy.

No more money laundered through the military industrial complex.

They tried to assassinate Reagan for creating peace.

Now there is Trump.

He has a major advantage that JFK and Reagan didn’t have.

A military led by patriots with a plan to defeat the hidden enemy globally.

And an ally in Russia.

Putin has stood alone in the fight against the cabal until Trump.

We have been lied to our whole lives not just about Putin but also the Russian people.

They are a lot like us.

They have only recently tasted freedom and we might have no greater ally in this war against a global cabal that controls the world.

Do me a favor.

Subscribe to this sub stack and read his articles on Russia.

It will give you a new perspective and maybe you will find the Russian people are a lot like us.


Two things that tell me Zelensky has flipped?

He not only gave Trump permission to release his private call with Trump in order to expose the lies about his call which blew up the democrats impeachment narrative.

Second, he also gave Giuliani all the evidence on the Biden’s corruption and probably more.

Those are two big things.

Is there too much corruption for him to remove on his own?


Time will tell

By Radiopatriot

Former Talk Radio Host, TV reporter/anchor, Aerospace Public Relations Mgr, Newspaper Columnist, Political Activist * Telegram/Radiopatriot * Telegram/Andrea Shea King Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot


  1. “We have been lied to our whole lives.” I realized this in 2011 while researching an ancient cult! The first line in my resulting series of articles was, “You have been controlled since birth.” The cult IS the “new world order” which is the “old world order” – think Nimrod, the first world ruler, who enslaved his cousins!!!

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